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SLIGHT SMUT ft Taiju Shiba

The night that izana went to y/n's house. Kisaki called him to come back to his building to discuss something and to let izana know about the traitors in their illegal businesses. Kisaki have an intelligence report that someone from the philippines is a traitor and it's a politician.
Izana called his people from the philippines to kill that politician.

"I'm sorry for calling you izana we have to discuss about the matter as soon as possible. It's our business and we have to make an action for it" -Kisaki

"It's okay by the way I have so many connections in the philippines they can be easily manipulate his death. I will take care of it as soon as possible" -Izana

"Anyway based on the intelligence report from my team Mr. Cruz a province governor was about to deal with other syndicate that also base here in Japan which is our enemy." -Kisaki

"It also drug related right? That mother fucker" izana is really angry. Izana doesn't like traitors and not loyal persons.

"Yes and he also deal with our enemy about human trafficking. My team found out that Mr. Governor Cruz is sending women ages 18 to 25 years old here in Japan to be a foreign prostitute" -Kisaki

While discussing about the important matter. Hanma went inside the conference room without knocking.

"Oi izana long time no see" -Hanma

"Where the fuck were you hanma? I called you like an hour ago." -Kisaki

"Chill I just went to the bar to have fun" -Hanma

"You didn't change hanma" -Izana

"Of course I'm still the same hot as fuck" then izana and hanma laughed.

When hanma came they preceed the discussion earlier.


A night passed and it's monday morning and you have to go to the school. You're literally not in the mood to go to the school but you have to. Senju comes to the school so early just to wait for you in the gate. When you arrived in the school senju literally scream your name.

"It's fucking seven in the morning senju why scream my name" you sighed.

"Listen y/n izana comes back and you-" you didn't finish her.

"I already met him last night did you gave him my address?" you asked.

"What? No I didn't say anything about you" -Senju

"Then how come he knew where I live?" you asked.

"I don't know. Don't come near him y/n do you want to temporarily live with me? Izana doesn't know where I live. I promised your mom that I will protect you from him if ever he comes back " you just shrug your head.

"He said that if I hide from him he will literally kill me. I feel like he has so many connections that's why he knew where I live right now. Argh this is stressful both of my exes are fucking up my life. Anyway I have to go I'll see you later senju"

"Alright let's meet later at the cafeteria" -Senju

You turn and walk away going to your designated classroom. While walking sanzu interrupted you again.

"What the fuck do you want from me? I'm not in the mood" you yelled.

"You're playing hard to get miss y/n. Am I not attracted to you?" -Sanzu

"Yes I am not attracted to you and stay away from me because I have a boyfriend" of course that's was a lie.

"I don't fucking care I can snatch you away from him" he grinned. And you just rolled your eye and ignored him again and walk away.

Prequel: Coquettish Where stories live. Discover now