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The fight between the three deities is very brutal. Everyone has its own weapon to use for their opponents. The blood is everywhere, so many unconscious persons on the ground.

Everyone is very determined to win the fight. They are exhausted but they are not giving up.

Broken teeth, broken bones, black eye.

South's dark urges is the reason why the dynamic duo is on the ground, benkei and wakasa are both unconscious. Mikey kinda acknowledged his strength. But he himself is confident to turn him down.

Senju try to knock him off but she couldn't believe that south pushed her away.

Izana strikes mikey by his side kick. But mikey shielded himself using his feet.

"That was so awesome mikey" izana said sarcastically.

Izana didn't stop attacking mikey, so mikey fights back.

Kisaki and hanma went to the battle ground to intrudes the fight. Kisaki went to kakucho and asked "Are you perhaps the traitor?"

"What the fuck are you saying?" -Kakucho

"You know that izana hates traitor right?"

Izana stopped striking mikey when he saw kisaki pointing a gun on kakucho. He doesn't understand why. So izana immediately went to kakucho "What the fuck is this kisaki?"

"Kakucho is betraying you izana, he's making a move on y/n behind your back." kisaki said.

"That's true" -Kakucho

"How could you that?" -Izana asked.

"She needed me" -Kakucho

Kisaki never hesitate but to operate the gun and point it to kakucho and clicked the gun three times. But izana shielded kakucho in order to protect him from the bullets. A blood coming out from izana's body.

"I-izana? W-why did you.." kakucho's tears was about to burst.

"W-we promise *cough* t-that we will p-protect each other r-right *cough*" izana said.

"H-hold on izana please" kakucho said he's crying.

"I g-guess this is the e-end" izana's eyes slowly closed his body is cold,he lost so much blood leading to his death. Kakucho stayed there screaming izana's name.

Kakucho didn't hesitate but to also point a gun on kisaki. He also own a gun, and it's on his pocket. Kisaki tried to run but kakucho was able to shoot her thrice like what he did with izana.

At this point both izana and kisaki are dead.

Takemichi is late, he tried to stop mikey from killing south. Takemichi didn't succeeded to stop mikey. Even him cannot control mikey's dark impulsivity.

They know that police might come any time so everyone leaves. They are having a hard time walking but they manage to leave the battle ground. Kisaki and izana's dead body are still there.

Kantou manji gang won the battle between the three deities.


The next day senju come to school with a bondage on her face. You hurriedly come to her the moment you saw the bandage on her face.

"What happened to your face" you're worried.

"Yesterday" she started.

"What happened?"

"We fight with rokuhara and kantou" you can tell the sadness on her voice. You massage her shoulder to make her feel at ease. To know that you're here for her.

"Did something bad happened?" you asked.

"Brahman is now disbanded. We lose the fight"

You know that her dream is to be number one. You sat beside senju and hugged her tight. She hugged you back. "It's alright everything happens for a reason" you quoted.

"You're right I shouldn't be this sad. Such a waste of energy" she exclaimed.

"I'm glad that you feeling better now"

"Uhm y/n? I have something to tell you and I think you should know about it" senju said.


"Izana is dead"

You mad at him but knowing that he's dead makes you also feel sad. He became one of the most important people for you. You did loved him before. You felt so pity for what happened to him.

"Do you know who killed him?" you asked

"Kisaki killed him I don't what's their commotion anyway he's dead too I saw kakucho shoot him with a gun"

You didn't expect that. You don't know how to feel. It's very stressful for you to think about it.

Is that how gangs works? Killing each other?

You couldn't believe that kakucho can really kill someone.

The following days you heard that south is confined in the hospital and he's comatose because of his head injury. He's still unconscious, the doctors said that he lost almost all of his blood. They don't know when will he wake up from being comatose.

You haven't talk with kakucho yet, you don't know how to approach him via text message. You wanted to hug him tight. And be with his side, but for some reason you can't do it. You were expecting that he will contact you. But he didn't, he must be grieving.

You decided to message him saying 'how are you?' 'Hope you doing fine'. But he didn't reply any of your messages which is unusual for you. He usually texted you back but this time he didn't.

It does hurt for you a bit that he didn't texted you back but you understand his ghosting phase. You really wanted to see him right away. You were spamming him a text messages saying 'can we meet? I wanted to see you'

You waited the whole day for him to reply. You checked your phone if there any notification from him but it's none. You begun to over think, what if he's dead something like that. You can't help but to cry over that.


A week passed he didn't reply to your messages yet. The whole week, you can't sleep properly at night. Thinking where is he, what happened to him, is he dead or alive.

Whenever you're going to school, you feel very restless. You feel so tired, and at the same time you frequently experience headaches. The headache is mild but it's frequent. You also have metallic taste in your mouth which is weird for you. Also you have pelvic cramps, you were thinking that your period might come next week. You were thinking that it's because you're lack of sleep recently.

You decided to take a vitamins coz you really feel like you're stress nowadays.

You're crying again thinking about kakucho. You really missed him so much. You don't know where can you find him. You have no idea where the hell is he. You're hoping that he will text you back or come to you personally..

Please text me back kakucho. I missing you so much...

The second week still he didn't reply you back. You always messaged him the same thing. You didn't gave up until he reply back to your messages. You become very emotional to the point that there's no more tears left to cry.

It heart breaking for you..

It's weekend and you are alone in the house. You open the fridge to drink water but the smell of the orange hurts your nose, the smell of oranges is unappealing for you which is weird.

You throw the oranges even though the orange is still fresh. You really don't like the scent of the citrus of orange.

You went to the bathroom to pee, when you noticed that there's a blood spots on your underwear indicates that you have a period. Your period last three days. You noticed that it's not heavy. You were experiencing heavy pelvic cramps.

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