I-Land EP 9 (Part 1)

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After saying goodbye to Geonu, we all gathered back into the lobby together. Jay held me in his arms as I slowly stopped crying. Ni-Ki came over to us and held Jay's hand as we gathered around the others. Jay still held onto me and rested his chin on my shoulder. K came over as well and wrapped his arm around Jay.

"Let's do well on the next test for Geonu," K said.

"To the 12 I-Landers who made it this far, congratulations" The voice said as I looked up at the flags. "It's weird to have 12 again" I said. I stared at my flag in rank 2 for a long time.

"This is the 12 participants ranking decided by the producers after the first test"

"Congratulations" Jay said and reached his hand out towards Sunghoon. "Good work" Heeseung said to us.

"12 participants, please put your name tags on your ranking chair. I-Landers ranking 1 through 8, please put on badges that indicate the debut team"

Jay let go of me and walked over towards the badges. I went over and grabbed my name tag before picking up the badge. When I picked up the badge, it looked amazing and gave me high hopes. I held the badge in my hand and carried my nameplate over to the rank 2 chair. I stuck it on before sitting down in my seat.

"Are you not going to put on the badge?" Jungwon asked me. "No, not yet. I will later" I said.

"It felt great to get the badge for the first time. It makes me motivated to work harder for the next test so I'm able to get rank 1"

"Now the 12 participants ranking has been determined. These rankings will be applied throughout the I-Land until the next test. I-Land Part 2, the second test will be revealed in 12 hours" The voice said.

"We finally finished the first test" Jungwon said. "The last 3 months, feels like it was longer than half a year" Sunghoon said.

Everyone started to stand up and grab their bags so we could head to the second floor. I followed after everyone and slipped my badge into my pocket. I caught up to Sunoo and walked beside him as we started to head to our new rooms.

"I wonder what the top 4 room looks like. I think it must be different!" Sunoo exclaimed. He followed me into the room as I swung open the door. "I bet they got something new in it" Someone said from behind me.

I walked in and looked around with Sunghoon behind me. "It looks the same" he said. "I can't be here anymore" Sunoo complained. Me, Jungwon and Sunghoon walked farther into the room to set our bags down.

"It became cleaner" Jungwon said. He turned the corner to the screen. "Oh? What's this?" He asked. Me and Sunghoon immediately turned around to face the screen. Jungwon gasped loudly, making the other I-Landers run into the room.

"The 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place I-Landers get to have a day of freedom" Jungwon read. "Wow! This is unbelieveable" I gasped.

"But what can we do here?" Sunghoon asked. "Maybe you get to watch a movie" Sunoo suggested. "Hyung, let's go to our room now!" Sunoo said to K as they started to walk out.

"Yes... Let's go to our room" K sighed. I laid my bag onto my bed as Sunghoon ran and jumped onto his bed. "Wooo!" Me and Jungwon cheered together. "Nice!" Jungwon shouted.

K and Jay came back to our room after they put their bags up. K sat on the massage chair while Jay laid down on my bed behind me. "Wow, I really can't believe this" K said.

"What is that really?" Heeseung asked. "I don't know how to use that" He added. "To refresh ourselves" Sunghoon suggested.

"Could we go to the river or park?" I asked. "Maybe an amusement park?" Jungwon asked. "Shall we ask if we can go to an amusement park?" Heeseung asked.

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