I-Land EP 9 (Part 3)

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I was alone practicing in the practice room, when someone swung the door wide open. I stopped dancing and looked over to see Jay standing in the doorway. "What are you doing?" I asked and set down my Ipad.

"Wanted to get in more practice before we get the group together," He said and walked into the room. I nodded and walked over to my area and started to run over the choreography as he worked on his solo parts.

"I'll dive into you~" He sang and danced along. I looked over and watched him dance along to the song before deciding to correct some details. "Whenever you do that move, give it more power" I said. He stopped dancing and looked over at me.

"Like this" I said and showed him how to do the move. "Also, make it bigger when you swing your arms out. Strong energy" I explained. He did the move and tried to make it a bigger motion. "Strong energy!" I shouted as he did it again.

"Come on Park, give me some energy" I teased in English and jumped around him as he did it again. "Stronger!" I shouted and watched him redo it over and over again.

"Give me some energy!" I teased and lightly boxed his chest. "Let's go Park!" I shouted in English. He just let me jump around him as I teased him, until he did something unexpected.

I stopped dead in my tracks and met his eyes. He held onto my face and made me face him, his hands felt soft against my cheeks. I could feel his hot breath as he breathed, his lips slightly parted as he stared into my eyes. I didn't want to look away, and it was like he didn't want to either.

"E-Chan!" I heard Ni-Ki shout as the door swung open and slammed into the wall. Jay let go of me as I pushed away from him and turned to see Ni-Ki, wide-eyed, mouth agape at the sight. "Did I interrupt something?" He asked as he stood in the doorway.

"Nope, I was just about to leave" I quickly said and slid past him before walking out of the room. I put my hands to my cheeks to feel them still burning from earlier. I couldn't get the image out of my head of his lips so close to me. "Stupid! Stupid!" I yelled and slapped my face over and over again.

"Contract, you have a contract for a reason" I said to myself and walked into the purple room to scream into my pillow. Sunghoon was fixing his bed as I flopped onto my bed and grabbed my pillow. "What are you doing?" He asked.

I held up one finger before screaming as loud as I could into my pillow. I felt Sunghoon walk over to me and lightly lay his hand on my back. "Are you okay?" He asked as I turned my head towards him. "Just peachy" I sighed and face planted back into my pillow.

"I know something happened, so talk to me" He said and sat on the side of my bed. I decided to sit up and lean against the backboard, so I could let everything out. "I think I like Jay" I mumbled.

"What did you say?" He asked and leaned closer to me. "I believe I like Jay" I said a bit louder as he looked over at me, surprised. "Seriously? No like, seriously?" He asked, and he seemed happy about it.

"I don't know. I just can't stop thinking of him" I said and held my knees close to my chest. "You have to go tell him!" Sunghoon exclaimed. "I can't tell him! I can't even date him" I sighed.

"What? Why?" He asked. "I can't tell anyone, but... when I was signed into I-Land by Bang PD, the producer forced me to sign a contract to make sure I wouldn't date anyone from the program during nor after. If I debuted, the contract would stay and I would have to make sure I didn't gain feelings for any one of them. I wouldn't have had to sign it under Bang PD, but then the producer for Be:Lift Lab made me sign it once I entered as a trainee" I said as Sunghoon looked at me with eyes of sorriness

"Really? I'm so sorry" He said and laid his hand on top of mine. "No matter how much I like him, he can never know and I can never tell him" I sighed. Sunghoon gave me a hug and rubbed my back. "Who cares about the contract, your parents are one of the most powerful families in Korea. Tell Jay how you feel"

Running to You (I-Land)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon