Part 29 - Mafia family?

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After a lively dinner, the house found back her calm. Taehyung and Jimin made a fuss when they discovered what happened to Jungkook and Y/N. Taehyung swore to kill them if he crossed their path. Hoseok and Jimin were more in a comforting approached. Namjoon exchanged with his father about potential actions against those boys' families.

 Namjoon exchanged with his father about potential actions against those boys' families

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Namjoon: Why are you so soft with them?

Mr Kim: I only offered them a chance to leave the country alive... but your brother doesn't seem to agree with my proposition.

Namjoon: Yoongi is right... they already had a chance to educate their sons, but they failed. What if Y/N or Jungkook had been seriously injured?

Mr Kim: I know...

Namjoon: Sorry Dad, but I will help Yoongi on this one!

Mr Kim: I will not stop you... 

Mr Kim was affected by his own choice to spare those kids lives. His mafia side wanted to erase them from earth, but his father side retained him of reacting only dictated by his anger.

Namjoon went to his bedroom with his tablet and called Yoongi. He tracked the localization of the families of Sewoon and Yoo-Sang but he couldn't find them. He checked the passengers list of all the flights at the departure for the last few hours and after 30 minutes, he found a match. They had left. Sewoon's family for Los Angeles and Yoo-Sang's family for Amsterdam. It was too late to punish them... for now.

Namjoon-On Call: It's too late Hyung, they left. But I can assure you that they won't have the peaceful life that they are expecting for... I found some foundations who are in need of money!

Yoongi-On Call: Aish... those F*** will not die tonight... but Namjoon, your abilities scare me sometimes... remind me to never pick a fight with you!

Namjoon-On Call: ahahahah... I'm more skilled with a computer than with a gun. Are you coming home now?

Yoongi-On Call: No... I need a drink... see you tomorrow bro...

Namjoon-On Call: Be careful... don't do something that I won't!

Yoongi-On Call: Shut up! Go to bed! Bye...

Yoongi was not the type of guy to hang out in clubs or bars a lot but from time to time, he needed a moment to relax.

He went to a private bar, a place with low lightening, music in background, strong alcohol and no one to annoy him. At least, that's what he thought, and it was the case for the first hour. He had few drinks and were talking with a woman when the ex-boyfriend of his drinking companion barged in the bar. 

Yoongi: Aishhh... listen, I'm not in a good mood now, so why you don't just shut your mouth and try to pick another B*** somewhere else! As you can see, we are talking and drinking quietly.

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