Part 32 - Mommy bear...

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Mrs Son came at the brothers' table while Y/N was still on the kitchen.

Mrs Son: Guys, just go home now. With Y/N, we will spend the night outside, we need to have some time together.

Namjoon: Avoiding us will not fix anything!

Mrs Son: I know, and I agree with you, but Y/N is also at a delicate age. It's not easy for her to deal with her emotions, even more in front of people with a strong personality.

Yoongi: Where are you going? Father agrees with that?

Yejin gave a bad glare to Yoongi. She didn't need his father's authorization.

Mrs Son: Am I your sister to need your father permission?! (She stood up with her 2 hands banging the table. Everyone looked at her surprised.) In which world are we living! Get out! (She grabbed Namjoon arm to make him stand up.) Aishh... you piss me off!

Yoongi was also dragged out by Yejin, and the 2 brothers were speechless. They knew that Yejin had a strong character too, but she rarely showed angry toward them.

 Namjoon: What's wrong her too?!

Yoongi: Don't know... women... let's go, Fatherwill take care of it.

Yejin effectively called Mr Kim but not to ask his permission, just to scold him regarding his sons' behavior. He tried to calm her and told her to enjoy her relaxing time with Y/N.

Y/N: Mom, Uncle is not responsible.

Mrs Son: Hum... I'm not so sure, anyway, let's go and have fun! It's been so long since we went there, Grandma WeiWei will be so surprise to see how you grew up.

Driver: Mrs Son, Mr Kim asked me to drive you wherever you want?

Mrs Son: No... thank you but we will take the bus.

Driver: Please Mrs Son, don't make things difficult for me.

Y/N: Mom, at this hour, it's more comfortable to go by car.

The driver smiled to Y/N to thank her for her help. Yejin received a message from her boyfriend, and she blushed while reading it. She felt less angry after that and sent him a heart emoji as answer.

The driver conducted them to the east of the city, in a residential area where Yejin and her daughter had lived for a few months by the past. Here, they met a granny from China, WeiWei, who was running a very small sauna. The place was only frequented by mothers or grandmothers from the neighborhood. Over there, they never received awkward gazes from the women for their conditions. They could wear short and t-shirts without being ashamed of the marks on their skins.

Mrs Son: Thanks for the drive. (She saw him getting out of the car.) Excuse-me but where are you going?

Driver: I am in charge of your safety Madam.

Mrs Son: This is a Women only sauna, you can't enter inside. You did your job; you can go home now. Y/N, let's go.

 Y/N, let's go

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