Part 75 - Meeting with the School Director...

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School Director: Mrs Son, Mr Kim, what... what are you doing here?

Yoongi: She came to take your head off!

Mrs Son: Yoongi... no in fact, you're not wrong... things must change!

The school director's face became livid. The few times he had to deal with Mrs Son, she clearly showed her pugnacity. He quickly understood that if Y/N's mother came to see him without booking an appointment in advance, that means that she had in mind to reach her goal, no matter what. She sat on the armchair.

School Director: Mrs Son, I guess that you came to talk about the incident with Y/N, but everything was settled with her brothers. Mr Kim, you were there, you could have explained everything to your step-mother.

Yoongi: Why? You don't feel brave enough to explain to her why my sister is unfairly punished because you don't know how to keep your school in order?

Yejin looked at Yoongi with a proud smile.

Mrs Son: Yoongi... you are really good to sum up everything! (Yoongi smiled back and she focused her attention to the old man.)

School Director: Mrs Son, I truly understand that you were not happy by what happened to your daughter but...

Mrs Son: Not happy? (She stood up from the armchair but kept her eyes on him.) Sorry but I am a little bit more than not happy! You are not happy to have miss your bus or to be short of soju after a hard day at work, not when your precious daughter had to fight with one of her classmate for her own safety!

Yejin had unconsciously banged her hands on the desk in front of her. Her voice was loud and her anger visible on her face. Yoongi tensed a little because seeing her like that was pissing him off. She hadn't show how much she was affected by what happened when she came back, probably only to not worry Y/N and her father. He made two steps forward and put his hand on Yejin's shoulder. She sighed before sitting back, her eyes closed for few seconds.

Mrs Son: I will be clear; I won't move from this office until you change your unfair decision and reintegrate Y/N to her class!

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Mrs Son: I will be clear; I won't move from this office until you change your unfair decision and reintegrate Y/N to her class!

School Director: Mrs Son, please, you have to be reasonable.

Mrs Son: I am reasonable, contrary to you. It is not the first time that incidents happen because of bullies that you were not capable to identify and punish.

School Director: Your sons were also part of some fights by the past. (He was showing annoyance.) Y/N's head teacher noticed a change in your daughter's behavior since she joined our school and maybe that... the influence of your sons are not stranger to that new side of Y/N.

The man who was usually coward and scared in front of the Kim family was showing unexpected assurance. Yoongi was surprised by the sudden courage of the man in front of him.

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