Part 54 - Bad memories...

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He opened the door and faced his three brothers. He quickly closed the door behind him...

Jimin: Hyung, how is Y/N doing? Let us see her.

Jin: Not now she is sleeping. Let's go downstairs first. (His brothers didn't move.) I said, let's go downstairs first.

His tone was clear, no space for discussion. They joined Hoseok in the living room and surprisingly, Yoongi showed up one minute later.

Jin: I thought that you wanted to stay with her?

Yoongi: I am too angry for now... so let's talk quickly.

Jungkook: Did someone hurt her? Is it one of her classmate?

Taehyung: Is it the guy I threaten this morning? And Namjoon, where he is? Why he is not here?

Jin: (He took out the photos and exposed them on the table.) Someone hacked the printing machine in Y/N's classroom, and this is what came out. (The boys looked at the photos and stayed silent, processing what they were seeing.) You can imagine how she felt.

Some of the pictures looked like sentences written with blood on white papers. "Y/N is a very bad little girl..." "You deserve a punishment...""Dad will come for you..." "I can't wait to see you..." "Mommy will be punished too..." - "I am your only family..."

There was also cliches of Y/N's scars that she had on her body. Those photos were taken after that bullying incident with her classmates, more than 2 years ago. After that Jin and Yoongi found her in that heating room, they took her at the hospital and over there, the doctors thought that the little girl were abuse by her family. As the procedure requested it, they took photos as evidence. Mr Kim had to use his connection with the hospital director to retrieve Y/N's file with those photos.

The other pictures were showing Yejin at the restaurant where her ex-husband attacked her. It was images captures of a CCTV, and it was pretty shocking for Jimin and Hoseok because they never saw those images. Taehyung and Jungkook had a live overview of what those pictures represented.

Taehyung: It's not that man, right? He is supposed to be dead!

Jin: He is dead. There is not doubt about that. But Father said to Y/N that he was in jail so when she saw this, she freaked out.

Jimin: Who could do this to her, and why?

Yoongi: That's what we have to find out. Namjoon is tracking the hacker via the school network. I suspected that boy from her class, but I don't think that he has something to do with this. He is just a f*** stupid jerk.

Jin: Now Y/N knows that Lee Sehyun is dead, but it doesn't change the fact that we need to find the responsible for this.

Jin: Now Y/N knows that Lee Sehyun is dead, but it doesn't change the fact that we need to find the responsible for this

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