Part 57 - Taehyung...

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The morning passed slowly for Y/N. She focused on the lessons and avoided to make eyes contact with her classmates. When the bell rung for lunchbreak, Yuna came to talk to her with excitement. Her two best friends were with her.

Hyun-Ae: Y/N, is it true that Yuna is going to date your brother Taehyung?

Yuna: He asked me out yesterday... they don't believe me!

Y/N: Hum... Apparently... excuse me... (She stood up.)

Choo-Hee: Daebak... Y/N, help me to get a date with Jungkook, please.

Y/N: I... I didn't help Yuna...

Changmin: Yuna, are you sure that he is not dating you just so you will be friend with his sister, as she has not friends...

Y/N didn't look at him and she preferred to ignore him, to not add oil on fire. He was clearly mocking her to have a reaction from her.

Yuna: I don't care about his reason... as soon as I can date him... no offense Y/N, but you know it's Kim Taehyung... he is so handsome... and also... (She blushed.)... very skilled with girls it seems...

Y/N was embarrassed to hear her classmate talking like that about her brother. She was rescued by Sohyun who was waiting at the door.

Sohyun: Y/N... (She showed her a bag.)... I took sandwiches, let's go.

Changmin: Ah... my bad... that useless nerd has a friend... a nerd!

Yuna: Pff... you're so childish...

Y/N smiled at Sohyun, and the two girls went to have lunch at the rooftop. Having a quiet moment with her best friend was exactly what she needed at that moment.

Y/N: How did you manage to buy food so quickly?

Sohyun: My mom prepared everything... in fact Jungkook texted me early this morning and asked me to have lunch with you. He didn't know that we were already supposed to eat together. So, I brought home made food.

Y/N: You're the best... (She smiled and did a heart shape with her fingers.)... Aunty's food is so good... it reminds me Mom's food.

Sohyun: Thanks for her. But what Yuna said is true? Taehyung?

Y/N: That my brother is an idiot?! Yes!

Sohyun: So, you are mad at him... I understand.

Y/N: Yuna... that girl is only interested in his look...

Sohyun: Like much of the girls in that school... unfortunately. Do you want to come home for a sleepover tonight?

Y/N: Should I ask to Jin Oppa? (Sohyun nodded with a big smile.) Okay, I will call him after class... thank you... you're the best friend ever!

The girls had a great moment. It was good to have a normal moment with her friend. She only received a text from Jungkook who asked her if everything was okay.

The rest of the afternoon was pretty similar at the morning except that Yuna was even more excited. She received a text message from Taehyung who asked her to meet him after school. She proudly showed it to her friends and spent the last 15 minutes of the last class to redo her makeup. She was the first one to leave the classroom and Y/N shook her head at her groupie behavior.

Hyun-Ae: Yuna is so lucky... I'm jealous!

Changmin: I'm wondering if that Kim's family little sister is acting the same way with boys as her slutty brothers...

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