Part 73 - Fighting... really???

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The teacher asked the students to begin by 5 laps of run. Y/N and Sohyun started to run with their classmates. They felt the insistent gaze of Changmin who was running just behind them. The girls slowed down to let him pass but he also slowed down.

Sohyun: Is it me or he is even more weird than usually? (She murmured after looking behind her once again.) It seems that he...

Sohyun couldn't finish her phrase and harshly fell on the ground. She just had the time to put her hands in front of her to avoid her face to hit the floor first. Y/N stopped running and kneeled near her friend, worried.

Y/N: Oh my God! Sohyun, are you okay? (She looked up to see a smirking Changmin standing up near them.) Are you crazy?! Why did you push her?

Changmin: I don't like the way she looked at me!

Sohyun: It's just scratches... don't talk to him, he tries to provoke you.

Changmin: (He bent down.) It's just the beginning, she will pay for you!

Y/N was engulfed by her anger toward that boy. She had her fists clenched but she managed to focus her attention on her friend. She took Sohyun's arm to help her to stand but Changmin pushed the young girl's shoulder to not let her stand up.

Changmin: What? You don't want to react? Do something, so I will have the please to make you expel from school... just like with your stupid brother...

Sohyun: Changmin stop! We are not afraid of your threats. Just ignore us and we will do the same. (She stood up with Y/N's help.) Leave us alone before the teacher notices something. (She nodded in direction of the sports' teacher who was busy with other students, but some classmates were already staring at them.)

Changmin: I am not done!

Changmin grabbed with force Sohyun's t-shirt to retain her. He was so consumed by his anger that he couldn't let those two little girls leaving after they ignored and belittled him once again.

He probably didn't expect that the result of his action made the t-shirt to rip, but he smiled, satisfied, at the view of the half exposed young girl's bust. The few students around didn't hide their laughs. Y/N looked at her friend with shock. Sohyun immediately tried to cover herself with the damaged piece of tissue.

 Sohyun immediately tried to cover herself with the damaged piece of tissue

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Changmin: Nice view...

Y/N: Shut up! (She had tears in her eyes.) Just shut up!

Changmin: Repeat that and you will end in the same state!

It was too much for Y/N. She didn't know how or where she found the courage, but she slapped him with all her strength, making people around amazed. The teacher, who was at the opposite of the field noticed the group, stopped his conversation and slowly approached.

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