Cullen Weddings

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Atlas sat on a fence, watching his old friend get married, he smiled slightly swinging his legs. On the front row of seats Edward smiled, despite the many thoughts of others in his mind, suddenly he flinched, a strange feeling making him look around, "Edward, what's wrong?", Tanya Denali asked worriedly, the rest of the Denali Coven looked at him, watching him look at every guest.

 On the front row of seats Edward smiled, despite the many thoughts of others in his mind, suddenly he flinched, a strange feeling making him look around, "Edward, what's wrong?", Tanya Denali asked worriedly, the rest of the Denali Coven looked a...

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"Someone here wasn't invited", when the ceremony ends Edward goes to his adoptive father, "Carlisle, there's someone dangerous here, they've done something to me", Esme puts a hand on her new sons shoulder, hoping to calm him, the other vampires at the wedding gather around.

Zafrina and Senna stand side-by-side, looking around. Amun and Kebi from Egypt also tense, not liking the thought of an intruder.

Carlisle looks at Edward, "What do you mean? what have they done?", he checks his son over worriedly.

"My mind, if feels like someone went inside it", at this the other become worried.

Steps are heard making them all turn their heads, they see a smiling man walk towards them, he waves a hand, "hello, Carlisle", the blonde man smiles, holding his arms open, "it has been so long"

Carlisle steps back, holding his friends arms, "is 250 years really that long to you?", this make Atlas laugh.

"No, not particularly"

Carlisle gestures at the man, "everyone, this is Atlas. Atlas this is the Denali Coven, Tanya, Kate, Irina, Eleazar and his wife Carmen-", the coven wave at the teen, slightly worried of the newcomer, especially Eleazar who feels a strong, dangerous power coming from him, "-this is Amun and Kebi from Egypt-", again he gets a wave from Kebi but Amun squints at him, "-and from the Amazon, Senna and Zafrina"

Atlas smiles at everyone, teeth glistening and red eyes bright, "hello everyone, it is very nice to meet you all", they all give him some form of smile back before dispersing, though every now and again their eyes flit back to the Korean teen. "Carlisle, introduce me to your new family"

Carlisle puts an arm around his new wife waist, "this is Esme, my wife", he then pats Edwards back, "and my adoptive son, Edward", Atlas smiles at the two, Esme smiles back warmly, Edward however, puffs out his chest.

"What have you done to me?", he steps forwards, the other vampires turn at the angry voice, "what ever it is, stop it!", he gets closer to Atlas' face.

The older vampire wasn't fazed, "you are adorable", he smiles widely up at the other boy, "how old are you?", he gives Carlisle a look over the other boys shoulder, "15? 20?", he then laughs, "but, I am going to advise you take a step back", he starts to flex his fingers.

Edward chuckles, "yeah? or what?"

Carlisle steps forwards, "Edward stop", he glances at Atlas, "please", a red light starts to draw attention, Atlas' hand opening.

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