Breaking Dawn: Atlas Gets It

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2021 Forks, Washington

The Cullen family sat nervously awaiting the arrival of Bella and Edward; after the girl had called them with some... interesting news, the couple were ordered to return home immediately. Atlas looked around at his family, minus Rose and Carlisle who had gone to collect the couple, and could see the varying levels of emotions on their faces. Esme sat wringing her hands, Emmett beside her rubbing her back, Alice sat looking out the window, she would tense and then deflate every now and again as she attempted to see Bellas future, Sasha sat with her wife in silence, scared for the unknown future and Jasper sat with his his husband, holding onto Atlas tightly as the multitude of emotions flooded at him.

When the door opened and Carlisle walked in, the family stood, Edward came in next followed by Bella who was supported by Rose. The copper-haired boy marched over to Atlas, "you have to do something, if she keeps this thing, it'll kill her", his eyes were pleading as be practically fell to his knees and begged Atlas to save his wife.

Atlas decided not to comment on the irony of this situation, a year ago he was petitioning the killing of Bella and now Edward was before him begging him to kill an unborn child, instead he decided to look at Bella, "it's her decision", this gained more than a few shocked looks, "don't look so surprised, I didn't protest for a hundred years so that women could get the vote and freedom just to snatch Bellas away because her idiotic husband couldn't pull a condom on", a chuckle echoed through the room and all eyes turned to the source. Bella.

"Thank you, Atlas", she looked exhausted as Rose pulled her to the sofa, "but I was hoping you would help me out... I'm not sure what I'm going to do"

Atlas approached her, "whatever you do I your choice, no one here is going to stand in the way of that... or of Rose", he shot the blonde a smile, "now, I'm going to hunt, but just shout if you need my assistance, I'll hear you", he stood straight and pulled Jasper from the room, taking the man to hunt his thirst away.

 or of Rose", he shot the blonde a smile, "now, I'm going to hunt, but just shout if you need my assistance, I'll hear you", he stood straight and pulled Jasper from the room, taking the man to hunt his thirst away

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It had been a couple of months since the couple had returned when a motorcycle pulled up outside the Cullen house, Carlisle went to fetch the rider, Jacob and bring him into the room where Bella was. The wolf looked at the vampires surrounding his friend and froze, Rose glared at him fiercely, her form blocking his view of Bella.

Jacob took steps forwards, "I'm glad you came", Bellas weak voice spoke from behind the protective blonde, Jacob went to get closer, stopped by Rose.

"Close enough"

He glared at her, "what's your problem?"

Bellas voice came through again, "Rose, it's okay", Jacob stepped around Rosalie and could finally see the sunken from of Bella.

He sat on the table before her and sighed, "you look terrible"

Bella shook her head with a smile, "yeah, it's nice to see you, too"

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