Twilight- Creepy

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2020 Forks, Washington

After the hospital the family gathered in the living room, all of them sat around in their couples- apart from Edward, who sat with Esme and Carlisle. Rosalie and Atlas fumed making the rest of the family nervous, "you know, for someone who is trying to keep me from killing the girl, you're going the wrong way about it", Jasper smirked, hiding it in his husbands hair, "a decision like that is exactly what's going to bring the Volturi to our home. Our family", Rosalie glared at Edward as Atlas spoke, "I have been running from those pricks for millennia and I don't intend to stop now"

Rose looks to Carlisle, "do you not see what he's done?", the man has a conflicted look in his eye, "he's gonna ruin all of our lives"

"Atlas?", the name is said pleadingly by the doctor, "is there any way you could alter her memories?"

The Korean vampire shakes his head, "it'd only do more harm", he then looks at Edward, "you are going to have to talk her away from discovering us, especially because she saw you stop a van with your bare hands", his anger slowly grows, "I mean, what even was the thought process behind that decision? how stupid are you? because you're going to bring the world down on top of us!", he stands with Jasper following him, Edward goes to speak but Atlas holds a hand up, "please don't Edward, I'm tired"

The family watch the two men go to the basement, all of them worried for their eldest member, Rosalie stands to a burning glare directed at Edward, again, "look what you're doing to him", she steps into the boys personal space, "he deserves peace... you should be actively trying to help him with that, out of respect and gratitude", she turns on her heel going to her room followed by Emmett.

Sasha is the next to look at Edward, "she's right...", this makes the others turn to the quietest vampire, "Atlas deserves to rest, for once. His entire life has been lonely and full of war... we wanted this time in Forks to be an opportunity where he didn't have to fight"

The 'kids' of the family wait at the bottom of the stairs for Atlas to come down so they can get to school, Esme walks up to them handing them all their permission forms for their biology trip, "where we you all night, Edward?"

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The 'kids' of the family wait at the bottom of the stairs for Atlas to come down so they can get to school, Esme walks up to them handing them all their permission forms for their biology trip, "where we you all night, Edward?"

If the boy could blush, he would, instead he looks away making Emmett laugh, "I know where he was", Edward turns to him with begging eyes, "he was watching Bella sleep"

"Well thats creepy", the family laugh at Atlas' comment, Jasper wrapping his arm around his husbands waist, "lets go", Atlas doesn't even give Edward a glance, not wanting to ruin his good mood.

When they get to school, Atlas hands their teacher the slips, saying goodbye to Rosalie and Emmett, them being a grade above the rest, he then gets on the bus, joined by his siblings. "I'm going to find you the most beautiful flower", Atlas smirks at his lovesick husband, "just so you can have a glimpse of what it's like being me", he gives the blonde a confused look, "because I'm married to the most beautiful being on this planet, for eternity"

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