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Atlas went to knock on the Cullens door, but the wood disappears before he could touch it, in its place stood a small pixie like girl, smiling directly at Sasha, who's eyes had widened at the sudden appearance. Atlas looked between the two, noting their widened eyes, "congratulations", Sasha looked at him questioningly, "she's obviously your mate", he pushed the dark-skinned girl forward into the house, letting himself in.

"Hi" he looked to the pixie girl, "I'm Alice Cullen. Who are you?"

"Atlas", he points to his friend, "and this is Sasha", his eyes scan the area, "where is Carlisle?", Alice smiles, beckoning the two with a wave of her hand. They get to a kitchen area, Atlas smiles when he sees the family, eyes slightly sticking to the new blonde beside Rosalie, "Carlisle, hello"

Carlisle smiles back, "what brings you here, Atlas?"

The oldest vampire hold Sasha shoulders, "just came to drop off this package, she's a fully signed member of your 'vegan'-" he makes little air quotes with his fingers, "-diet, so she'll be no trouble. I won't be staying", this makes Jasper look up.


The mans question gets him humorous looks from his family, but a challenging glare form Atlas, "what's it got to do with you, child?"

Jasper tenses, "child?", Emmett starts to snigger, "I'm over a hundred years old, and I've lived though things you couldn't imagine", Atlas nearly swoons at the southern accent, but keeps his composure, looking at the man before him, cold, crimson eyes scanning the taller figure.

"Let me guess, 1840s Southern Territory Wars?", this shocks Jasper, who nods shakily, "yes, they were surprisingly messy, who did you fight for?", Jasper stays silent, "André?", the blonde shakes his head, "Maria?", Jasper nods, "then I'm surprised you're still alive", Atlas steps closer to the blonde, "what's your name handsome?", he has to look up to see the amber eyes.


Atlas hums, "Jasper, what?"


The family smile as Atlas whispers under his breath, "Atlas Whitlock", the Korean man grins at Carlisle, "looks like I'm staying", he then looks at Jasper, "and me and you are going to have a lovely time together", he steps closer to the southern vampire, breathing his woody scent in, "I've waited along time for you"

The family smile as Atlas whispers under his breath, "Atlas Whitlock", the Korean man grins at Carlisle, "looks like I'm staying", he then looks at Jasper, "and me and you are going to have a lovely time together", he steps closer to the southern ...

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Jasper and Atlas lay in bed, naked, both staring at the other, after celebrating their first (official) wedding anniversary, the blonde sees the thoughts swirling in his husbands eyes, "you're lost in your mind, Darlin'"

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Jasper and Atlas lay in bed, naked, both staring at the other, after celebrating their first (official) wedding anniversary, the blonde sees the thoughts swirling in his husbands eyes, "you're lost in your mind, Darlin'"

Atlas seems to snap back in reality, "oh, it's nothing. I'm just trying to remember how old I am", there's a underlying sadness which Jasper can feel, having mastered reading the finer emotions of his beloved, "but I can't seem to get a number"

"Maybe, Carlisle will know?", Atlas nods at the blonde, the two getting dressed and walking to the living room where the whole family sit.

The couple drop onto a loveseat, Atlas' legs over Jasper as he looks to the doctor, "Carlisle, do you have any idea how old I am?", this makes the family turn to the ancient being, confused.

"You don't know how old you are?", Alice speaks, bewildered.

Atlas shakes his head, "when we first met you said you stopped counting after 1,000", this makes Jaspers, Alices and Sasha's eyes widen, the others already knowing the fact from Rosalie and Emmett wedding, "and that was back in the late 1600s", the dark haired boy nods solemnly, "sorry my friend"

Atlas shakes his head, "when we first met you said you stopped counting after 1,000", this makes Jaspers, Alices and Sasha's eyes widen, the others already knowing the fact from Rosalie and Emmett wedding, "and that was back in the late 1600s", th...

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Too Old - Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now