Eclipse- The Battle For Bella

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2021 Forks, Washington

Jasper and Atlas walked alongside Bella and Edward through the field Jasper had chosen as their future battleground, Jacob walked from the opposite side, shirtless... again, "you're not fighting? what, did you pull a muscle or something?", his cocky words were aimed at Edward.

Bella spoke up, hoping to keep some peace, "he's doing it for me, okay?"

"Whatever. Just tell me the plan"

Jaspers golden eyes slid over to Jacob, "this field will give us an advantage in battle. We need to lure the newborns with Bella's scent... but it needs to end here", he then looked to Bella, so she could explain her part of the plan.

"Edward and I are going to a campsite. Even if he carries me, they'll still pick up on our scents"

Atlas now snarled at Jacob, "you and your revolting, vomit inducing stench, is the perfect cover"

The shifter glared back at him, "dude, you really don't wanna start comparing stinks", Atlas scoffed.

"I smell like fucking roses"

Bella however spoke over him, voice slightly raised, "what he means is that your scent will mask mine if you carry me", Jacob nodded, with a serious face.


Edward looked over to his brothers, "this is not a good idea"

Atlas however, seemed pleased with the plan, "oh, Eddy, they won't want to get within a hundred miles of him and his... personal hygiene problem", Jasper huffed out a laugh and tightens his hold around Atlas' side.

Bella walked forwards, "okay, lets just try it", Jacob lifted the girl easily whilst looking at Edward, and Atlas smirk seeing the jealousy burn in his brothers eyes

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Bella walked forwards, "okay, lets just try it", Jacob lifted the girl easily whilst looking at Edward, and Atlas smirk seeing the jealousy burn in his brothers eyes.

"Eau de wolf, comin' up"

Edward glared harder, "run", so Jacob set off into the forest.

Jasper and Atlas waited a while before they strode into the forest and searched for Bella's scent. They came back to Edward, hand-in-hand, Jasper speaking, "all we picked up was wolf stench... no Bella", the two stared at Edward, Jasper feeling his brothers nerves rocket, "this will work"

Edward only looked up, "great", he then went to walk away.

"You know-", Atlas started talking, his voice slowly filling with annoyance, "-you could try to be a little more grateful. Our family is yet again, putting themselves at risk to save Bella, and not once has either of you said thank you, or sorry"

Edward looked confused, "what do we have to apologise for?", his words angered Atlas.

"Not listening to me. Time after time I have tried to be understanding of you two and your relationship, but it seems like it always backfires, this family is tired of protecting the two of you from things your bring on yourselves", he steps closer to the bronze haired boy, "the very least you could do is say thank you to us all"

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