Eclipse- Training and Teasing

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2021 Forks, Washington

The Cullen family ran to an open area in the woods, a place with enough space for them to train and for the wolves to watch; Edward drove up to them with Bella; Emmett looks towards Atlas, as the older vampire leaned against a tree, "I'm gonna win this time-", he hit his fists together, "you're going down, old man", the family whistled and collared with smiles, which shocked Bella, she looked at them all as they talked so carefree.

The Cullen family ran to an open area in the woods, a place with enough space for them to train and for the wolves to watch; Edward drove up to them with Bella; Emmett looks towards Atlas, as the older vampire leaned against a tree, "I'm gonna win...

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"Well, Emmett... why don't you put your money where you mouth is", Atlas pulled a roll of dollars out of his pocket, Bella's eyes widened, again, when she saw the large amount of money, "there's about $300 here, can you match that?", Emmett nodded, and walked up to Atlas and shook his hand, as he one to pull away Atlas pulled him closer, "I'll be wanting that 300 as soon as we're home"

The family then gathered, turning when they heard the wolves approaching, they all looked up to the ridge, watching the beasts walk towards them, snarling.

Atlas pointed at a smaller tan wolf, "aw, it's that little cutie again", the said wolfs tail began to wag, making Atlas 'aw' more.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms"

Atlas looked to Edward, "at leats they tried to wash", Carlisle held a hand up to stop anymore offensive comments, which made Rose and Atlas share an amused smirk.

The blonde man then stepped forwards, "they cam. That's what matters. Will you translate?", Edward nodded, and walked closer to the wolves with Carlisle, "Welcome. Jasper and Atlas, both have experience with newborns-", he gestured to the couple, who had also moved forwards, "-they'll teach is how to defeat them", the wolves looked over to the married men.

Edward listened to their thoughts, to translate, "they want to know how the newborns differ from us"

Carlisle nods, "they're a great deal stronger than us, because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful than in the first several months of this life", Carlisle's golden eyes sparkle with wisdom before he bows away, allowing Jasper and Atlas to take over.

The blonde separated himself from his husband, and looked at the wolves with a assessing gaze, "Carlisles right", Atlas nearly drooled, hearing his husbands smooth, southern accent, "that's why they are created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands, like a human army. But no human army could stand against them", his words made the black wolf growl, "now the two most important things to remember are, first: never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly. And second: never go for the obvious kill", Atlas began to smirk, liking that Jaspers Major side was showing (it was a real turn on)., "they'll be expecting that... and you will lose", Jasper turned away, "Emmett... Atlas"

The two men smirked and walked opposite each other, "I've been needing a new jacket... 300 should cover it", the family smiled at Atlas' words, watching as the two.

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