New Moon- Vol(terror)

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2021 Forks, Washington

Alice forcefully dragged Atlas to the Swan house door, she stayed behind him listening to the house, "no ones home", she looks at Atlas, "well, open the door", Atlas groans his hand being enveloped in a scarlet glow, he levelled his fingers with the handle of the door and twisted making the lock click and the door swing open, "thanks"

The two waited for someone to return to the house, as the door opened and a familiar smell entered their noses Atlas gave Alice a disbelieving look; the lights in the house turned on and Bella turned, coming face-to-face with Alice, Bella gasped in shock staring at the pixie like girl, "Alice?", she threw herself onto the other, hugging her closely, "oh, my god"

Alice pried the girl off her, "Bella?"

"What are you...?", Bella stumbled over her words, "I'm sorry, I just- I can't believe you're here", the girls eyes drifted to an angry looking Atlas, "is..."

Alice gave the human a starstruck look, "would you like to explain to me how you're alive?"

This seemed to stump Bella, "What?"

"I saw a vision of you. You jumped off a cliff", Alice became upset, "why in the hell would you try and kill yourself?" I mean, what about Charlie? what about-"

Bella cut her off, "I didn't try to kill myself. I was cliff jumping", Atlas gave her a 'really?... you' look, "recreationally... it was fun", she sniffles with a cold.

Alice scoffs at the notion, moving them into the living room and making Bella a mug of tea. Atlas sits in another chair, watching the two speak, "I have never met anyone more prone to life-threatening idiocy"

Bella sighs, "just... did you tell him?"

"No", Alice shakes her head, knowing who the 'he' is without Bella saying the name, "after Atlas sent him away-", Bella's eyes widen, looking over at Atlas quickly, "-he would only call once every now and again", Alice takes a breath, "he said he wants to be alone"

Atlas groans, drawing the twos eyes to him, "what is that vile, wet dog smell?"

Bella looks down at herself, "um... thats probably me", Atlas pulls a disgusted face, "or it's Jacob", he watches Bella slip the large jacket off.

"Jacob, who?"

The human girl shrinks under the squinted glare, "Jacob's kind of a werewolf", Atlas gives a flat look to Alice, taking a calming breath.

Alice sighs disdainfully, "Bella! werewolves are not good company to keep"

A new boy walks into the room, "speak for yourself", Atlas stands, placing himself between the tanned boy and Alice, the boy who Atlas assumes is Jacob looks to Bella, "I had to see you were safe"

"I thought you couldn't protect me here"

Jacob holds eye contact with Bella, "guess I don't care"

The short vampire breaks the tension, "well, I'm not going to hurt her", Jacobs sharp stare drifts to her.

"No, you're just a harmless Cullen", he then looks at Atlas, "though you might not be... I'm talking about the other bloodsucker who tried to kill Bella because of you"

Alice turns to Bella, confused, "Victoria?"

The mousy girl nods, "yeah, Victorias been around"

"I didn't see her... I didn't see you get pulled out of the water either", Alice looks to Jacob with an accusing glare, "I can't see past you and your pack of mutts", she spits the words like they're dirt on her mouth, making Atlas slightly proud of her.

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