We Don't Know Anything

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(Y/n)'s POV

We woke the next morning with more rest than we had been able to get in the past few days. Although I had a bed in the glade it wasn't as comfortable as this real bed, and the comfort of the bed made up for the lack of Gally. We were escorted to different areas throughout the day, and everywhere we go it should bring me a measure of joy. Here I can relax, but what Thomas said earlier nags at me. I was noticing red flags before he had mentioned anything, and the idea of this place being another place to experiment on us scared me.

While we sit at dinner I smile up at Fry "I would like to tell you, Fry, that this place doesn't taste half as good as your food back in the glade," I tell him gesturing to my biscuit and vegetables that sat on my plate. He smiles at me "thanks (Y/n), it's weird not cooking for anyone if I'm honest," he tells me as he takes a bite of his food. Thomas stared hard at Janson who was entering the mess hall to call out more names. I seemed to be the only one who believed him about his claims the rest of our group wanted to just enjoy the moment and newfound safety. "I wanna know what's through that door," Thomas states as Janson finishes with the names. 

Newt gives Thomas a disapproving look, Newt wanted this place to be real safe heaven, but I knew that something was strange and I know he does too. "You don't know what you saw. It could have been anything under there," Newt says to Thomas trying to hush Thomas's assumptions. "I think we're all familiar enough to know what bodies are," I said thinking back to the morning after the griever attack and I see Jonah's body flash across my memories. 

"(y/n)'s right I know exactly what I saw. Aris said they bring in a new batch every night," Thomas explains connecting the dots with the daily people taken and the bodies being wheeled into the closed-off room. "Who the hell is Aris?" Minho asks Thomas gestures to the thin boy who sat alone staring at a slice of fruit, not the best first impression I thought to myself as the boy looked dazed. "Well, I'm sold," Minho states sarcastically and I roll my eyes "slim it," I tell Minho "if someone else thinks there's something going on that only proves what Thomas is saying," I add to the conversation. 

As I look back over towards Aris who seemed to be watching our table, the guy seemed nervous to me, but I would be too if what he and Thomas saw is true. "Listen, even if what you say is true I think the best thing for us to do is try to keep our heads down and not draw attention to ourselves," Newt tells the group, but that isn't really Thomas's thing. Thomas stands and walks over towards the guarded door as if he can just walk out and pretend it's normal. 

"What is he doing?" Newt asks watching Thomas "I think he's drawing attention to himself," I say as we all watch him curious about what he's planning, because we know he's always planning something. Thomas is persistent when the guards attempt to get him to go back to his seat, and I know that Thomas is smarter than those guards know. When Thomas turns around he quickly turns back and charges in between the guards trying hard to get through, or so it looked. I saw his hands move to the guard's utility belt though, his key card. 

All of us at the table stand to get Thomas not needing him to do anything too extreme, but we know if he does we'll follow him. Gally was right about one thing, Thomas did become our leader. We pull Thomas back as he shouts and causes a scene and when Janson comes back to settle the commotion it ends up sending us back into our room what I'm starting to see as a cell. 

"What the hell was that about?" Minho asks Thomas confused about his actions "You didn't really think they were just gonna let you through?" Newt asks also not understanding his actions. "Of course not," Thomas starts "you took their key card didn't you?" I ask and he nods at me with a smile "Yeah, I'm gonna find out what's on the other side of that door. Newt, they're hiding something. Okay?" Thomas tries to usher him to understand. 

"No, Thomas, you don't know that! The only thing that we do know is that they helped rescue us from WICKED. They gave us new clothes. They gave us food, they gave us a proper bed! Some of us haven't had that in a long time, some of us a lot longer than others," Newt tells Thomas frustrated with him, and I understood what he was saying, but this place seemed too good to be true. As if on queue the vent began to rattle and Aris popped out under one of the bunks.

"Hey, Thomas, you got it?" he asks sounding slightly out of breath "yeah, let's go. All right, look, maybe you guys are right. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but I got to find out for sure. Just cover for me, I'll be back as soon as I can," Thomas tells us before disappearing into the vent under the bunk. "He's bloody mad," Newt says frustrated "Newt come on, are you telling me you don't notice anything strange about this place? Ava said in that video that others will want us to. Who ever said that this wasn't one of those places, they could be lying to us," I tell him. 

I look back at the bolted door, there were too many questions. "You don't know that," Newt said trying to convince me that I too was being paranoid. I shake my head "we don't know that we're safe either," I say as the room settles into an uneasy silence as we wait for Thomas to return. 

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