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(Y/n)'s POV

I could hear Janson over an intercom of an aircraft as Teresa who had managed free of her restraints now untied the rope around my hands before going over to the guys. We made quick work of releasing them, we were heading towards the exit when the man who'd interrupted Jorge earlier stopped us with a gun trained on Thomas who was in front of our group. "We're not trying to cause any trouble here, we just gotta get out of here," Thomas says raising his arms in surrender. 

"Is that so?" the man asks not changing his position with the gun, now he raises a radio to his mouth saying "Janson, I got them. I'm bringing them down don't shoot us," I feel hot with anger, of course. WICKED, was always going to be there in our way, and I looked to Thomas hoping he wasn't done being brave and stupid. As the man orders us to come with him, Thomas does exactly what I knew he would fight. He smacks the gun trying to knock it out of his hand and the man pulls the trigger once letting a shot ring out.

Thomas headbutts him and blood trickle from the man's nose, and he snarls at Thomas raising the gun back up at him. "You little bastard!" he shouts out at Thomas and we hear another gunshot ring out we all clutch onto Thomas expecting to see blood, but Thomas isn't affected which shocks even him. We turn our attention back up and see the man drop like a sack of potatoes and he reveals Brenda behind him with a gun.

"Come on," she says gesturing her head towards the exit for us to follow her out, and we follow without questions up to where we first met Jorge. Jorge drops a zipline for us to escape by and I hear Fry mutter "you've got to be kidding me," I stare out hesitant, but it had to be better than WICKED catching us. "You kids want to get to the right arm, I'll lead you to them. Follow me!" Jorge calls as he jumps onto the zipline. I take a deep breath before getting on "(Y/n)," Fry says hesitant and I give my best reassuring look. "It's better than WICKED," I tell him before I ride the zip line my heart racing the whole time. 

When we manage to get to the other side I feel sick not seeing Thomas with us, but Jorge ushers us away anyways. "Brenda's with him, he'll be fine," he tells us pulling us along and I only trust him because although he hides it well I see the fear in his eyes by leaving Brenda. We run until Jorge is sure that we're far enough away that WICKED won't track us down in the night. We make a makeshift camp like usual, and all crowd around. Jorge dishes out small rations he'd taken before leaving. 

I dig in and he hands me another one and I look at him oddly "eating for two, you need more than the rest of us," he tells me and I blush at the mention of my pregnancy. I begin to eat it as well and he pulls a paper out of his pocket and I recognize it quickly "I believe this is your?" he asks and I take the paper quickly "thank you," I tell him barely looking up from the paper. Gally's face in the picture was crinkled but I could still make out the details, and that's what I cared about. 

"I'm sorry," Jorge tells me and my eyes jump away from the paper to him "I lost the woman I loved to the flare, so I understand the pain of losing someone in this mess," he tells me and I put my hand on my stomach, and if the baby wasn't so little still I'd think they were the ones making me sick from the memories. Jorge nods to my stomach "the baby will help ease the pain. Brenda helped ease mine," he says and realization crossed my face. He wasn't Brenda's father which was obvious from the differences in their features and skin tone, but he loved her mother and she was his daughter nonetheless.

"His name was Gally, and before he died I broke up with him," I say and I feel the group's eyes on me. It had been the first time I had spoken of what happened in the maze since we left "he died not knowing that I loved him more than anything in this world, now I'm going to raise a baby, his baby with that guilt hanging over me forever," I say letting tears slip from my eyes. "We all make mistakes, and I never met him but I'm sure he wouldn't want you to do this to yourself," Jorge said and I tried to stop the tears, but they were hot and fast. 

"He's right you know, Gally loved you and he would be calling you the dumbest shank for beating yourself up like this," Minho said and I looked at him with a little bit of shock that he could talk about Gally. I didn't want to be but I was a little upset with Minho, not enough to hate him because I understand but he killed Gally. "Minho, let me tell you something. Keep Gally's name out of your mouth. You might have been trying to do the right thing but Gally is still dead because of you!" I shout shocked by my own outburst.

"He killed Chuck!" Minho shouts back at me and I get in his face "you think I don't know that shank! Chuck was my little brother! I feel more grief for what happened when we got out of the maze then any of you! You guys didn't dig graves for the ones who died, I did!" I shouted my anger and sadness twisting into a confusing knot that I couldn't separate. "(Y/n)," Teresa says putting her arm on my back as I crumble. "We all lost family (Y/n)," Minho says walking away from me and I glare in his direction as Teresa leads me away as well.

"Are you okay?" Teresa asks as we lay on out bags trying to get comfortable I nearly scoff at the question. "Teresa, everything I've ever loved is being destroyed left and right. I just want to feel safe again, but I know that I never really was. Not in the glade not here, and I can't take any power back. WICKED ruined whatever life I was meant to have and killed my family," I say thinking about Chuck and Gally. "Well, if you'd never been put in the maze you might have never fell in love with Gally," she says as if defending them.

I turn slightly to look at her "I don't believe that, not for a second. I would have found Gally and loved him either way, and I know that. All that shucking maze did was kill him...Chuck, Kyle, Zart, Clint, Jeff, Jonah, and Winston," I tell her "Winston died away from WICKED," she states and I turn to look at her fully know "Why was he attacked by cranks in the first place? That's right because we were escaping WICKED," I tell her. She is silent after that and I roll back over away from her. 

The Fight That Haunted Me: The Second Book of Love at First FightWhere stories live. Discover now