Is It Over?

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(Y/n)'s POV

When we got down we quickly went to the exit door to be greeted by Fry, Brenda, and twenty-eight immune's. "Vince?" Fry asked shocked to see he was with us "hey, it's good to see you too," Vince answered and Brenda's eyes flickered to Jorge as he approached behind us. "I know I picked up a stray," he told her joking "let's get out of here," Jorge added signaling to start loading up and my brows furrowed. "Where are the others?" I ask meeting Brenda's gaze and she sighed.

"They're still inside," she said "then let's go get them," Vince said causing me to beam as we loaded on quickly to save the boys inside the walls. As we went over the walls fear gripped my stomach, fire and destruction raged out all around us. I found a secure spot near the tunnels to stay and wait, and I couldn't help but pace inside, Vince not letting me and my pregnant belly out of the aircraft. What was happening we're they okay? The fear of losing Gally again made me sweat, and what about Newt? He still didn't have the serum. 

The memory of Winston came back hitting me like a truck and I had to hope and pray that Newt would come back. "Brenda!" I heard a familiar voice call out and I immediately see Gally and Minho approaching the airship. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw Gally and Minho, "where's the serum!" Minho asked and immediately we all knew something was wrong. Brenda quickly handed off the bag of serum "we'll be back," Gally shouted to me our eyes meeting once again.

I wanted to run out after them, but Vince had a secure grip on my arm holding me back from charging out with the rest of them. I felt helpless as I sat with the twenty-eight kids, Vince, and Jorge waiting for them to come back. I wanted to see Newt when they came back up, but when they finally made it back to the aircraft they were missing Newt and Thomas. "Where are they?" I ask looking at each of them hesitant. "It was too late, Newt's gone," Gally tells me pulling me into a hug as tears fell onto my cheeks.

I let Jorge and Vince take the controls as I soaked everything in. "Minho," I say in a soft tune before wrapping my arms around him "I'm glad you're alive," I tell him and he laughs looking down at my bump "I'm glad you two are too," he tells me with a smile. Minho's eyes glance to Gally and he laughs a little "or should I say the three of you," he adds jeering his head towards Gally, causing a small smile to find its way onto my face.

I let my eyes look around the aircraft and I try to remind myself we still won. We saved these kids and Minho, Newt would be happy, right? We hurried towards WICKED's main facility where we assumed we'd find Thomas and Teresa, but with every passing second, my heart sinks more. The city, the last city was in ruins all around us, I didn't know if anyone could survive it. "We'll find him," Gally tells me trying to reassure me as my eyes dance over the destruction "I never thought they'd go this far..." Gally says sadness evident in his voice. 

"No one did," I tell Gally as I look out seeing buildings fall, but then I see it. "There!" I call out pointing towards the top of a building where two figures were evident. Jorge brings us down as much as he can manage to attempt to get to them. We all hurry towards the exit door calling out to them and reaching for them. Gally pulled me back trying to keep me at a safe distance away from the flames daring to come up around us.

I screamed towards them as did Vince and the others as we encouraged them. I felt like every second was a battle, Thomas was obviously injured and was struggling to grab a hold of Vince's hand. When Teresa finally was able to help Thomas launch his weight forward, Vince and Minho grabbed a hold of him pulling him onto the airship. "Come on!" Minho shouted to Teresa trying to get her to jump now that Thomas was safely on board, but then we heard the structure of a building breaking.

We watched as it knocked into the building holding Teresa up, and helplessly we watched as Teresa fell with the building. Thomas screamed to her as she fell and we all stared shocked an unmoving until we couldn't see the building anymore. We pulled at Thomas lifting his shirt and trying to suppress the gunshot wound on his torso. Brenda shouted for more gauze as Gally hurried to unroll what we had. 

Thomas eventually passed out from the blood loss. We patched him up to where he wouldn't die, but Brenda refused to leave his side as he laid uncounsious. The aircraft ride was long and quiet no one ready to believe it was over and even if it was, we felt the emptiness from those who weren't with us. 

The Fight That Haunted Me: The Second Book of Love at First FightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon