Never Over

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(Y/n)'s POV

When we wake up there is an air of hostility around Minho and me every time we get near each other we both get on edge. Jorge ignores what he considers a dumb teenage fight and begins to lead us to a guy named Marcus who apparently brings kids to the Right Arm. When we stop for rations I can feel Minho come up behind me while I eat "what?" I ask without removing my gaze from the sandwich in my hand. "We need to talk I'm tired of this clunk," he says and I also laugh at the use of Chuck's favorite glader slang, "okay, talk," I tell him.

He sighs frustrated "alone (Y/n)," I stand and begin walking and he follows annoyed with the obvious attitude that I was putting off. "I'm sorry for talking about Gally last night, you were right I don't have a right to talk about him," Minho begins and I feel triumphant for a second. "But that doesn't mean that you get to say you lost more than me when we left the glade. You don't think it killed me to kill him? I think of Gally every day. Before you even came up in the Glade I knew Gally. I was friends with him, and I had to kill him to get us out of there, and I just wanted to save us," He told me.

I could see that he was really opening up and I felt a slight guilt pool in the bottom of my stomach about what I had said. "I'm sorry too, you're right I shouldn't have gone that far. I just, I just can't talk about Gally or Chuck without my emotions getting out of hand," I tell him looking at him trying to apologize the best I could. Minho chuckles under his breath "it's the baby, they're upset too. I promise to be the best uncle to this glade baby!" Minho claims to raise his hand in a mock salute. "Excuse me! I know I didn't hear you say that, I fed that baby before we even knew there was a baby. I'm gonna be the best uncle," Fry states Newt shrugs at them "well at least I'll be godfather," Newt states, and I laugh at them. 

"Who said? Did you call dibs?" Minho asked, I laugh at their antics happy to see them excited about the baby. The glade baby, Minho had called it. It's not long before we're back up and heading for Marcus's place again, and I can see Teresa's eyes scanning crowds as we pass looking for Thomas. I couldn't help but look at Teresa differently after last night, it was weird how she was acting, and I wanted to ask her about it but wasn't sure how to. 

When we finally found Marcus, Jorge was not happy. Jorge had 'persuaded' Marcus into telling us where Brenda and Thomas were, and we found Thomas knocked out and Brenda super drunk. "Hey, are you okay?" I ask Brenda as the others tend to Thomas she nods, but I could see the crease in her brow giving away the lie. "Jorge was really worried about you," I tell her gesturing my head over to where Jorge sat with a bloody and beaten Marcus. 

I hear a panicked gasp come from the couch that Thomas rested on and Teresa begins giving comforting words to him. Thomas stands and wades through the room, obviously still feeling the effects of whatever Marcus had given him. "Where is the right arm, Marcus?" Jorge asks again after punching Marcus across the face again. "This is Marcus?" Thomas asks confused and Marcus laughs "kid catches on quick, are you the brains of the operation?" he asks before Jorge grabs his hair and pulls him back forcefully. 

Jorge goes back to his interrogation and I only listen to bits and pieces, on how Marcus had switched sides instead of saving kids he was selling kids to WICKED. It was disgusting, Marcus finally broke when Jorge held a gun to his face, and I couldn't blame him for that would pursue me too. After getting the information Jorge leads us to a car named Bertha, and although it looked to be in good condition the vehicle frightened me. I had never been in a car, not that I remembered at least. 

We drove until we came to a tunnel in the mountains blocked by a series of rusted-up cars. After we all filed out of the car Jorge said "well, I guess we're on foot," looking ahead at the blocked tunnel. We were quiet as we began to walk our eyes traveling around to look at the broken world around us. A gun series of gunshots began to ring out around us and many of us called out the obvious "get down," I know that a warning is nice, but I don't think I was gonna stand out in the open as they fired bullets at me and my unborn child. As I thought my sarcastic thought a bullet grazed my cheek and my right hand clutched at it in pain.

Fry grabbed my hand as he did often in times of danger and pulled me to the side to guard me the best he could. When the gunfire ceased "Is everyone okay?!" Thomas called out Teresa who sat with me and a few others looked us over before calling out "we're fine!" "Does anyone know where those bloody shots came from?" the thick British accent belonging to Newt called out as well. "I think they're in the mountains," I call out the guess from the angle of the shots that rained down. I could feel the blood still pooling in my hand and I tried to apply more pressure to my cheek to stop the bleeding. 

Fry looked at me with concern "I'm okay Fry it's just my cheek," I tell him trying to sound convincing because it had only grazed it leaving a nasty mess. I hear a few more shots ring out, and I look around as much as possible trying to get an idea of how to get out of here alive. "Everybody! Get set to sprint back to the truck! And hold your ears" I hear Jorge call out and Fry and I adjust getting ready for the signal. I move my bloody hand and get ready to cover my ears, eager to escape yet again another life-threatening situation.

The signal never comes as I hear a female voice shout at Jorge and Thomas stopping whatever plan that they'd come up with. "Now!" she tells them threatening them best she could, "on your feet let's go!" she says and they come back towards us and we stand to meet them our hands raised slightly in surrender. The two girls who had the guns to us I realise don't really look like they'd be from WICKED, and they could be our age. They stop barking orders at us and one settles her eyes on Aris beside me. 

She drops her gun "Aris?" she asks and pulls down the scarf covering half of her face and Aris steps forward. "Oh my God Hariett?" he asks as the girl slings the gun over her shoulder and moves to hug him "what the hell are you doing here?" she asks him and I see the second girl also pulling her scarf away. "Sonya," Aris says before hugging her too "Aris, you're lucky we didn't shot your dumbass," she tells him and we all exchange confused glances, unsure weather we're safe or not. 

"What's happening?" Minho asks "we were in the maze together," Aris answers before looking back at the two girls. I feel slightly envious at the idea of seeing the others from the maze again, but I don't know if I ever will. Hariett turns and whistles in the direction of the mountains revealing multiple shooters coming out from their hiding spots "we're clear guys come on out!" she says. I felt instant relief as she concluded that she'd take us to the right arm. 

It was over finally over.

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