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(Y/n)'s POV

We drove throughout the night and I could tell we were getting close to this last city, and I felt excited at the chance of finding Minho. I fiddle with my bracelet as I look out to see the restriction of our world, and when we come up to a dark tunnel I feel like it should have a cranks-only sign hanging on it. We all step out of the car stretching our legs "do we have to go in there?" Newt asks pointing towards the tunnel as Thomas surveys the map. "I don't want to sound too negative, but if I was a crank. That's exactly where I'd be," Newt says.

"I don't think we have much of a choice," Thomas says and Newt adapts quickly "well then I get shot-gun," he says walking back towards the car. As I get back in I make sure to be careful with how the seatbelt wraps around my stomach. If things go bad in there I need protection and a quick way out. I made sure my gun holster was also in an easily assessable position as we began inside. Newt holds a light out to lead the car, and to say the least it doesn't take long for us to find our first crank.

Newt rolls up his window in the nick of time as cranks begin surrounding the car. Fry drives in a panic as the crank on the windshield attempts to bash it in. Fry is so focused on getting the Crank off once he's off we wreck flipping the car upside down, in honestly the most gentle way that it could have happened. Thomas is careful when helping me out of the car, "are you okay?" he asks, and as soon as we're all out the crank from earlier begins charging at us. "Fry!" I call ushering Fry to hurry out so we can run.

When I think it's too late to run Fry pulls out Vince's rifle and shoots the crank in the chest and I smile surprised. "Nice shot Fry," Thomas says before more cranks begin to pile out to attack us, and I grab my pistol quickly as we run. Thomas pulls me along helping add to my speed, and I fight the pregnant waddle. We find ourselves cornered and Fry and I do our best to hold off the hoard of cranks coming toward us. "I'm out," Fry calls out once firing his last shell, and I try to keep up before I run out too. "Shit," Thomas says head swiveling to the two sides where the grievers were closing in. 

Then we thank our lucky stars for making friends with Jorge and Brenda as they come barreling through cranks to our rescue. "Guys get in!" Brenda calls firing out shots at cranks left and right, once we're all in she sits back down "go!" she screams at Jorge who doesn't miss a beat. When we're finally out of the tunnel I take a deep breath of relief. "I'm impressed, you guys almost lasted a whole day," Jorge comments sarcastically "what were you thinking bringing (y/n)?" Brenda asks and I scoff "they can't leave me behind, I wouldn't let them," I state tired of everyone assuming I can't do anything. 

Brenda turns around smiling slightly at Thomas "I'm sorry, I didn't want to bring you guys into this," he states, and Fry chuckles "he means thank you for saving our asses back there," he corrects and Jorge sighs. "Don't thank us yet, that checkpoint back there. That was the city's last defense if that was overrun, the city more than likely was too," Jorge explains and Newt looks out the window "yeah unless they thought of another way to keep the cranks out," he scoffs gesturing out the window. 

I look out to see a large wall encompassing a city within, and I nearly laugh at the irony. Jorge pulls over and we all file out to look at the city in the distance. "Funny, spent three years trapped behind walls trying to find a way out and now we want to go back in?" Newt says and I scoff at the use of the word funny. "Yeah hilarious," Fry says sarcastically as he stares off at the city, and I glare at the city. 

We don't waste much time and quickly start our way down towards the city, and I try not to fidget too much. I had found fidgeting with my bracelet to be a soothing way to handle the thoughts I couldn't face. When we get right outside the city we leave behind the car knowing it won't do much to help us through the crowds of people. As we wade through the crowd I see a car head towards us with masked figures with guns sitting on top of it. 

One of the masked men looks at me and I feel my heart jump and I step back into Thomas at the idea of what I think I see. I turn my head to watch them pass and I try to convince myself the masked stranger isn't staring back at me. I watch as the masked figure nearly cranes his neck to look at me and Thomas is finally able to pull me out of my daze. "(Y/n), are you okay?" he asks "you look like you've seen a ghost," Fry adds and when I look back up he's gone. "I might have," I say, but when they push further I dismiss their concern. 

We look up to see drones flying up above us and I can't help but feel worried about that. We continue through the crowd until we come to the giant metal doors of the city "there! That's our way in!" Thomas exclaims charging into the crowd. I hold onto Fry while Jorge tries to convince Thomas to turn back. I couldn't understand why he thought this would be a good way out for us, all the people that stood outside the doors were wanting the same thing as us. A way in.

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