Where To And Would Have

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(Y/n)'s POV

Teresa had found a shelter out among the sand, and we all hurried inside although the boys were nervous and unsure. The old shelter was much better than the sandstorm outside "where the hell are we?" Minho asked as he flashed the flashlight around the building curiously "we've gotta go," Thomas ushers still nervous and unsure if we were safe, and he had a right to be after everything we've been through in so few days. 

"Thomas stop! Tell me what's going on," Teresa said causing him to finally snap out of his scurry. "It's WICKED, it's WICKED, they lied to us. Me and Aris we found bodies, too many to count," Thomas explained and my face grew pale at the meant of bodies. "Dead bodies?" Minho and I mutter at the same time "no, but they weren't alive either," Thomas explains, and something about that fact made it worse. Alive, but with no life, what were they doing to them. 

"They were being drained of something, there's something in our blood that WICKED wants. So, we need to get as far away from here as we can," Thomas explains "Okay, so what's the plan," Newt asks being trusting of his friend's ability to lead us away from WICKED. We all look to Thomas awaiting some genius plan for us to get out of this whole mess. Thomas begins lightly shaking his head trying to will an idea into his head "you have a plan right?" I ask trying to sound hopeful but coming across as rude and sarcastic. 

"Yeah, more or less," he tells us causing me to scoff as I fall onto my butt tired and frustrated. "We followed you out here Thomas, and now you're telling us you have no plan of what to do or where to go?" Newt asked upset with the situation "In his defense, we really didn't have any other choice," I say earning a glare from Newt "Well we're just as dead out here as in there," Newt says running a hand through his hair with frustration. "Wait, Janson said something about people hiding in the mountains. Some kind of resistance," Aris explains and I tried not to be suspicious of this too.

"The right arm, if they're really against WICKED. Maybe they can help us," Thomas suggests and Newt scoffs at the idea, obviously not convinced. "People in the mountains? Mountain people? That's our plan?" Newt said in almost disbelief that this is the plan that we're going with "What other choice do we have Newt?" I ask standing from my spot and Fry quickly assists me. I can already tell he's gonna be doing that a lot more now that he knows I'm pregnant. "Hey guys, check this out," Winston calls to us ushering for Minho to shine the light of the flashlight over whatever Winston was examining. 

As we all observe the area we notice footprints scattered in the sand "someone's been down here," Thomas says stating the obvious as only Thomas does. We begin to investigate and I stand by Winston "I have something to tell you," I say to him needing to tell my best friend the news I had learned only an hour ago. He looks over at me waiting for me to continue, and instead of answering I reach for the paper safety tucked into the bag, I had brought along with me. "I want that paper back," I tell him as I hand it to him and in moments his eyes grow wide with shock. "You're pregnant! With Gally's baby!" he whisper shouts still trying to say quietly unsure of what is out there. 

I nod as I take the paper back letting my eyes roam over Gally's photo for a moment. "It seems that way," I tell him with a shrug he stares at me with concern lacing through his stare "are you happy?" he asks and I think about it for maybe a second to long before nodding yes. "I have a piece of Gally back, but at the same time, what kind of life is this kid going to have?" I ask making eye contact with my best friend. He wrapped me in a hug "you're going to be a great mom, and I promise to protect you and that baby for Gally. He was my best friend too, and I know this is what he would have wanted," he tells me smiling but I can see the tears glazing his eyes. 

Gally would have been a great dad, I think to myself as we continue to look over the ruins in the buildings. It was like a ghost town, and I wondered what had happened to this place.

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