What Now?

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(Y/n)'s POV

After they left Vince and I buried mom, and he handed me back my bracelet. I sat with him he understood my pain of losing my mom "I feel dumb because I didn't even really know her," I tell him wiping the tears "Not as dumb as I feel," he said in a sad quiet tone and he wraps an arm around my should. "She told me to be there when you went to the med tent, so we could talk to you together. I wasn't ready, so I didn't and now I lost the one chance to feel like our family was somewhat back together," He said.

The realization didn't have any punch, "well we're a pretty broken family," I told him without any sweetness in my voice. I was cold and detached from this situation, I didn't need to get too close to him my dad or not. I couldn't do it, "Chuck's gone, mom's gone, my baby's father is gone. So, it's me, you, and fetus," I tell him staring at the smooth rock marking mom's grave. I can tell Vince almost laughs at my hard shell, he nods and we just sit there until we both resign to bed.

When morning comes there is an uneasy air around what's left of the right arm. I sit with Thomas who seems lost in his head, and I can't blame him for all that had just happened. We won and lost everything in a 10-hour span of time, a new record I think. "What do we do now?" Fry asks looking at the smoke rising from what used to be the camp of the right arm. "Well, we pick up what's left of us. We stick to the plan and get you, kids, over to the safe haven," Vince says eyes settling on me, and I want to scoff at the word kids. 

Thomas stand slinging a bag over his shoulders "I'm not going with you," he states frankly and I look at him with furrowed brows. "What?" Vince asks shocked by Thomas's declaration "I made a promise to Minho, that I wouldn't leave him behind," Thomas says and I stand with him and I already know whatever it is I'll be there right beside him. "Hey kid, look around you. WICKED just kicked our ass, you think about where you're heading," Vince tells Thomas and gives me a look of caution. "I'm not asking anyone to come with me," Thomas says shrugging knowing that this may be a death mission. 

I feel a flicker of a memory "leave no man behind," I say in a mumble, and Vince's eyes snap to me in an instant almost softening. "Thomas, I've known Minho for... well as long as I can remember, so if there was any way that we could help him. Trust me I would. I want to be up there standing next to you, but this what you're talking about is impossible," Newt tells Thomas "more like suicide," Jorge adds looking at Thomas with curiosity. 

"Maybe, but I know what I'm suppose to do know. It's not just about Minho, it's about all of us, it's about everyone that WICKED's ever taken. It's about everyone they will take, they'll never stop, they'll never stop, so I'm gonna stop them. I'm gonna kill Ava Paige," Thomas says and my eyes light with hope and darken at the name Ava Paige the woman who order for my mother to be killed. "I'm in," I say without hesitation "I have to admit, I would like some revenge," Harriett chimes in. 

"Alright, that was a good speech kid. So, what's your plan?" Vince asks and all eyes go to Thomas. As I look to Thomas for a plan I wonder what Gally would say if he knew what I knew now.

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