Fifteen \\ Death Defying

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Fifteen \\

"Number seven, two number elevens, coffees with each order. Keep it quick, Jerry." Dakoda clipped a slip of paper to the bar leading into the kitchen of the Sea Maiden.

"Customers, Dakoda." Tammy called as the teen flattened down her apron. "Booth seven."

"On it." Dakoda grabbed a new pencil and stuck it behind her ear. She went out from behind the counter and towards booth seven while watching the other customers. "Are you ready to ord-" her voice cut off, "hi there."

Derek looked up from the menu he wasn't actually reading. "Oh, hey Dakoda."

"How was your first week in Easton?" Dakoda pulled out the order pad from her black waist apron. "I didn't see you a whole lot during school."

"Yeah, uh, I like it. It's nice," Derek replied, a light smile on his lips.

"I promise the weather gets nicer. The summers are amazing." Dakoda hesitated, "I mean, if you stay that long."

"We're not really sure yet. Laura's graduating so we might stay." Derek ran a hand through his hair, eyes on Dakoda as she flipped a pencil between her fingers.

"You're more than welcome to stay," Dakoda told him, secretly admiring how his eyes fluctuated from hazel to green in the sunlight.

"Here or in Easton?" he asked with a light grin.

She laughed, ceasing to twiddle her pencil. "Both. Can I get you anything?"

"A number four, please." Derek handed back the menu, keeping a playful sense to him. "Thank you, Dakoda."

She smiled, rolling her eyes at him. "You're welcome, Derek."

"Good, I was worried you'd be the kind of girl to forget my name."

Dakoda's lips curved upwards, big blue eyes dead set on him. "You don't know anything about me."

"But I'd like to."

She stopped her walk towards the kitchen, looking over her shoulder to Derek. "It's going to take a little more than that."

"I'm willing to work for it."

Dakoda smiled, "I hope so."

"When do you get off?" Derek had his arm on the back of the booth, turned to talk to her.

Dakoda only smiled, "Good question."


"Am I crazy or are you in here for the second day in a row?" Dakoda brought a plate out, setting it down in front of the dark haired boy.

"Must be that you're crazy." Derek was again at booth seven with his cute little smile and hazely green eyes. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"I didn't take you for the stupid type, but I guess your charm only lasts so long," Dakoda told him, a nice smirk on her lips as she momentarily stunned him. "Bummer."

"Okay, hang on." Derek was laughing but covered it, standing up.

Dakoda feigned a sigh, "Yes, Derek?"

He shook off a grin, trying his initial question again. "Dakoda, what time do you get off?"

"Off the bus? No, I've got a car." She winked, walking away with work to do.

Deadpool \\ Derek Hale [1]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang