Two \\ A Poisonous Town

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Two \\

Koda stood at the head of the den, Satomi next to her with a hankerchief clutched in her hand. She had her arms crossed over her chest, her voice trying to find a way out.

The pack of thirty all had their heads bowed, distraught and pain in their eyes.

"This is no longer something we can avoid. Sean Walcott was finished off last night and one of our own was murdered. Demarco is dead, and in events, he is the fifth supernatural to be killed in only a short amount of time."

Everyone watched Koda like she was their leader because they all knew one day she would be. She was strong and destined to be an alpha.

"There is a serial killer targeting us and we can't ignore it." Koda wasn't sad as much as she was angry. "I'm going to Beacon Hills tonight."

Brett's eyes widened but he kept quiet - he knew he couldn't interrupt.

"Their hospital staff needs help so I'm being transferred for the time being. None of you are to follow me there for your own safety. It's close enough for me to report anything but far enough for you to all be out of the way."

"What about Demarco? He was in Monroe, a town over from there." Carrie asked, her cheeks stained with tears.

"He was delivering to a Beacon Hills party which put him in danger. That town is poison and now they've involved our pack." Koda clenched her jaw for a moment. "I'll return once I have information."

"You are all dismissed." Satomi backed Koda on every word. "Those who wish to stay in fear of safety are free to sleep here. We'll give our prayers to Koda and Demarco at the lookout at sundown."

Brett quickly jumped from his spot, following his sister outside. "Woah, D, hang on." He grabbed her shoulder, turning her to face him. "You're leaving?"

"Satomi agreed to watch you." Koda was settled elsewhere, her thoughts on her dead pack member.

"I'm 17, and that's not what I'm asking about. Why didn't you tell me you're going to Beacon Hills?" Brett's eyes were a little bloodshot, feeling Demarco's death with every breath. "A lot of people have died there."

"I only just decided to go a few hours ago. I know people have died there but I need to figure this out. I have to go. You'll see me at the lacrosse scrimmage at their high school." Koda smiled but without much heart. "I'm doing this for Demarco and for the good of our pack."

Brett sighed, shutting his eyes for a moment. "When do you leave?"

"Now. I have a bag packed in the backseat and I have a meeting at the hospital in an hour." Koda put her hand to her brother's worried face. "I'll call every night if that would make you feel better. I'll be okay."

"People always say It's okay when It's not or when something bad is about to happen." His shoulders fell slightly, "Please don't go, Dakoda."

"Brett, I'm going to be fine, I promise." She squeezed his cheek a little before letting go. "I love you."

Defeated, he didn't fight. "Love you, too."

Alone, Koda walked to her car and drove away to the poisonous, blood soaked town next to theirs.

\ \

"Are you coming?" Scott asked, leaning on his bike outside of Derek's loft.

"I'm here." Stiles hung up, turning into the parking lot in his jeep.

Lydia found something huge and now they needed to tell Derek.

Deadpool \\ Derek Hale [1]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant