Five \\ Wolf, Wolf, Fox

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Five \\

Koda went through work on monday with little issue but was well aware Melissa McCall was keeping an eye on her. She made Brett text her when he got into Beacon Hills and from the moment he did, she was itching to get out of the hospital.

Melissa knocked on the half open door, poking her head in as Koda adjusted a patient's bed. "Koda, you're good to go."

Koda nodded, taking her sickly patient's hand. "I'll make sure the doctor has your grandchildren come back to see you." Letting go of the woman, she smoothed down the covers and met Melissa in the hallway.

"So, how have your first two days been?" Melissa asked, seeming braver around Koda than usual.

"They've been nice. I like the hospital." Koda nodded, checking her watch. "And as much as I'd love to get a few extra hours, I have to get to my brother's lacrosse game."

Melissa thought of the fact that she'd be around her son and that she had the deadpool list with his name on it. "Well, Beacon Hills is pretty hard to beat."

Koda only nodded, not wanting to say anything that might make the nurse hate her even more by her false assumption of Koda being an assassin. "It'll be a good game."

Once Melissa and Koda parted, Koda went to the lockers set for the female workers and changed. Putting on jeans and boots, she wore a green Devenford hoodie with Brett's number over a thin black tee. Glancing out the window, she saw the sun turning it's power over to the moon.

She had no idea what would happen at the game but she was worried about her brother. She was always worried about Brett.

Koda pulled on a jacket over the hoodie and grabbed her shoulder bag. Jingling her keys on her finger, she walked out of the hospital and down to her car. Tossing her wavy hair over her shoulder as she reached the vehicle, she stopped her hand before she could touch the door handle.

It was too quiet and too sudden.

Koda looked into the window, watching the reflection it casted. She whirled around, catching the wrist of a man. She eased, "Reed? What the hell are you doing here?" Letting go, she knew the beta in front of her.

"They're getting restless," Reed said. "They don't like you being here while people - ours - are getting killed. Carrie's dead, Koda."

"I know, I found her right before she died. I didn't get to her quick enough." Koda leaned back on her car. "Look, you need to go back to the den. Satomi can protect you there."

"What about you? This deadpool Satomi told us about has your name on it."

"I know and I'm taking care of it. I know what one of the assassins looks like. She looked even younger than Brett. She was working with someone else - a boy. He tricked Carrie and killed her."

Reed honestly looked scared, "Do you think we're all on it - the whole pack?"

Koda carefully nodded, "I'd be stupid to assume that we're in the clear. From what I can tell, there's more than just the piece that arrived to me. We're all in danger." She put a hand on Reed's shoulder, "Go home, okay? It's more dangerous in this town. Stay with Satomi."

Reed was reluctant to leave, but he finally did after making Koda promise to be safe.

Koda got into her car, buckling her seatbelt and starting the engine. Leaving the parking lot, she headed for the high school. She put on music in hopes to distract herself from just how much danger she was in, but even Nirvana couldn't stop her from thinking about the deadpool.

Deadpool \\ Derek Hale [1]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें