Three \\ High School Smells

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Three \\

Koda sat in the lobby of Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital, her foot bouncing and the list of names burning a hole through her pocket. She held her jacket in her lap and was twisting the tiny moon pendant hanging on her neck.

She didn't even care what the list was about. She only cared that Derek's name was on it.

"Marie?" A nurse with curly hair and nice legs walked over to Koda, a friendly smile gracing her lips. "Hi, I'm Melissa McCall."

Koda stood up, pulling on a nice face. "Hi, it's nice to meet you. And most people call me Koda."

"Alright then, Koda. Well, Dr. Dunbar got a surprise call in so he won't be able to meet with you until tomorrow." Melissa motioned behind her, "But I'll be happy to give you the grand tour."

"No problem." Koda draped her jacket over her arm as she followed Nurse McCall. "I actually know Dr. Dunbar. We worked the same unit at Devenford's hospital."

"That makes things a little easier then." Melissa would point out important stations while asking Koda questions. "His step son plays on the same lacrosse team as mine."

"Liam used to go to my brother's school." Koda knew the angry teen from Brett's story telling of Redd's car getting wrecked.

Melissa only nodded, not mentioning Liam's recent change in lifestyle. "So, what made you ask for time over here? Devenford's a nice place, unlike Beacon Hills recently."

"I've only worked in one hospital so I was hoping I could get a better experience with my field."

"You're incredibly responsible for your age," Nurse McCall commented. "Your scripts said you're only 23, is that right?"

"Nearly 24, but yes." Koda took in the hospital, able to smell a multitude of creatures.

Werewolf, banshee, wendigo, oni, nogitsune, kitsune.

Koda couldn't help but wonder what on earth happened in here in just the course of one year. She knew insane things had been happening in this town but Satomi never let them interfere.

Now they had no choice.

"It's quite impressive. Finished college early and you've gotten incredible reviews from the doctors you've worked with. The parents of your patients especially." Melissa had only recently looked over her paperwork but she was beyond impressed. "Incredibly high success rate."

"I do what I can." Koda had her arms over her stomach, still holding on to her coat.

"Well, whatever you're doing is definitely the right thing. Three kids recovered from stage four cancer under your watch." Melissa took Koda all the way around the hospital, introducing her to the staff on hand.

"Here, let me take your jacket. I'll put it in the break room then we'll go to check with Dunbar to see if he has a minute." Melissa offered, the pair stopping outside of a small room labelled for staff members only.

"Sure." Koda hesitated when her phone rang, "It's my brother." She gave Melissa her coat and answered the call. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"We, uh, we can't find Carrie. I think she came to you."

"What, no she can't come-"

She's on the list.

Koda was hit head on with realization, suddenly feeling sick. She went to grab the paper, but she heard the break room door shut. "Listen, Brett, tell Satomi I'll find her. No one else comes looking for her. I'm on to something."

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