Nineteen \\ Intentionality

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Nineteen \\

Brett had found his way back to the pack, no luck with his sister and unfortunate luck with his father. They'd come across an abandoned building Scott had brought them to, foggy tarps creating a mystic vibe to the expanse of space.

But they had no other option.

On high alert, only Brett and Satomi could fight to protect the lot of them. They knew some things, but the philosophy of the pack was nonviolent under Buddhism.

Scott stayed with them as precaution, knowing there was little chance of survival if there was an attack.

The room only had idle chatter, Brett and Satomi not participating in it.

Scott finally gave in at the time, morning in full focus. He parted from the group, calling Stiles. Running his hand through his hair, he nonverbally put Kira on watch.

Still in the hospital, Stiles scrounged for his phone and put it to his ear. Slightly groggy, he answered. "Yeah, buddy. What's up?"

"Hey, yeah I'm not sure if you've checked your texts, but uh, we found Satomi's pack last night. Everyone but Koda."

Stiles sat up, his eyes ridding the sleep in them. "What do you mean everyone but Koda?"

"No one's seen her in hours. Brett said since like eight yesterday," Scott told him with a slight sigh. "It's like she vanished."

"You don't don't think she's dead do you?" Stiles asked, mild concern in his voice.

"I, uh, I honestly don't know." Scott furrowed his eyebrows, hearing the clanking of keys. "I've gotta go, we might have company." Hanging up, he found Satomi launching her weaponized baton in the direction of the newest arrive.

Metal clattered to the ground, followed by an eruption of noise as Brett darted towards it.

"Wait, wait!" Scott went after him, the others following at a distance. He saw a shifted Brett with Argent's silver .45 handgun pointed at him. "Brett! This is his place. It's his."

Brett eased, retreating back to the other wolves.

"Scott," Chris said, his heart pattering slightly faster than usual. "If you're bringing guests, you could've called."

"I didn't have anywhere else to take them," Scott lightly said, clearly stressed.

Satomi stepped forward, coming out from cover. "I know this man. He may not remember but we've met before."

Scott could sense the alpha's edge, "You can trust me. I trust him."

She wasn't so convinced, "How do we know he's not like the others?"

"What others?"

"Last night. There was a whole team after them." Kira handed over a titanium arrow, "And they used crossbows."

Scott watched Argent's expression, "They're hunters, aren't they?"

Chris looked up from the arrow, something changed. "Not if they're killing for profit. Not anymore."

Brett spoke for the first time in hours, "Can they find us?"

"They might already know you're here," Chris replied realistically. "Maybe they're waiting for dark."

Kira looked to Scott, "So we're not safe here."

"We're," Satomi said, "not safe anywhere. We've been trying to get out for days. Everywhere we turn, we find some one new trying to kill us. Dakoda said she would get us out last night and we never heard from her again."

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