Twenty-Four \\ 24

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Twenty-Four \\

"Please tell me you did not just call Deucalion your father."

Stiles' words swelled as Koda didn't break eye contact with the man who once led the Alpha Pack that terrorized Beacon Hills.

Scott was hesitant, "Koda, this is some sort of joke, right? He's not actually your dad, is he?"

"I wish he wasn't," Koda answered, eyes still unwavering.

"You lost your accent," Deucalion noted, his voice trying to remain the conversation at a constant.

"Yeah, well it's been awhile." Her voice was harsh and flecked with anger. "Things like that happen. I'm probably a little taller, too."

Scott and Stiles glanced to Derek, but neither could tell what he was thinking. But clearly, Derek hadn't known, either.

"Do you two need a minute?" Derek asked, his tone solid.

"I imagine he can leave quicker than that."

Deucalion glanced down before lightly running a hand along his jaw. "Dakoda, I don't want to cause any trouble."

"Is that why you spend eight years hunting Brett and I down?" Koda sharply asked, "Because you didn't want any trouble? Please, just get out."

"Brett called me, Kody. He thought you were dead."

"I was. Now will you please go?" The nickname he used pinched a nerve, forcing her to fight off her aggression.

Deucalion didn't get support from the three behind him and knew that to reach any form of peace, he'd have to respect her wishes.

"And that doesn't mean go see Brett, either." Koda's eyes were hard, filled a lack of emotion.

He went past her, stopping in the doorway, "And Dakoda?"

Dakoda didn't reply, only looking at him with her arms crossed.

"Happy birthday." Deucalion lingered before finally retreating and leaving the loft.

Koda's hand was clenched, slowly unfurling. Her heartbeat was sped up, her sense on high alert.

"Koda?" Scott watched her, "Did you know he was here last fall?"

"I knew." Koda turned around, facing them. "Apparently he knew where to find us, too. Satomi had met with him without telling Brett and I."

"How come you never said anything?" Derek questioned, leaning on the table.

"I don't like to admit it. Saying it would make me verbally related to all of the horrible things he's done."

Scott furrowed his eyebrows, "That's why Argent knew who you and Brett were. He knew you were Deucalion's children."

"He knew it was his father's fault we were motherless and on the run. Hunters tried to keep tabs on us as possible collateral but they weren't very good at it." Koda set her bag down on the large table, soon sitting herself on top of it. "He used to be good, my dad."

"Gerard," Scott though of the story, "he said the wolves ambushed them."

"Peter said they were set up." Stiles exchanged a look with Scott before averting his eyes back to Koda.

"Gerard was lying. He's a psychopath," Koda told them. "I heard my dad explain it before. They met in the distillery, his pack and some of Argent's men. Gerard killed his own with a spiked mace of claws so it looked like a wolf had done it. He never wanted peace. My father was crawling away, choked by the poisonous gas in the room that Gerard inoculated himself from.

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