Twenty-Eight \\ Boxers

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Twenty-Eight \\

Koda sprinted up to the loft, hopping over the guard rail. She stopped at the front, her eyes widening. "Oh, my god."

Derek turned, examining the collateral damage of the loft. "Something went really wrong."

The scents were clear to her as she came down into the loft. Her boots crushed shattered bits of glass. "Kate did this."

"Of course it was her," he mumbled.

Koda's eyes flickered around the loft, "She and her berserkers. No one's heard from Scott, so she must've attacked them last night."

"She didn't kill them, though," Derek observed.

"If she did, she didn't do it here."

Stiles and his father surfaced soon after, concern flooding them both.

"What the hell happened?" Stiles asked, changed out of his lacrosse uniform.

"It was supposed to be a date," Derek said, standing next to Koda as the Stilinskis came in.

"They were both here?" The Sheriff questioned.

"And they're both gone," Koda said. "Kate did this. I can smell her all over the loft."

Stiles patted his pocket, his cell phone vibrating from Lydia. Quickly, he answered it. "Hey."

"Scott's been taken," the strawberry blonde told Stiles, Koda able to hear.

"Scott and Kira," Stiles replied. "We just don't know where."

"Mexico." Deaton's voice filtered through, "And if you want to save his life, that's where you're going, too."

Koda gave a soft sigh, "This just gets more interesting."


"I don't like this. In fact, I hate this."

Dakoda looked up to her brother who stood in the doorway of her bedroom on Sunday morning after the Devenford win against Beacon Hills. "I don't like it either."

"Things were just getting back to normal," Brett said.

"Things are never normal for long when it comes to us, B." She zipped up her duffle, pulling it up off the bed. In a blue tee, black jeans, jacket and boots, she was ready to leave. "I'll be back tonight, okay?"

"But you can't promise that, Koda."

"You also can't come with me," she told him, passing him and heading for the stairs.

Brett followed her, "I don't want you to go."

"I know you don't, but Scott and Kira are in trouble."

"Haven't you fought enough?" he asked, going down the stairs after her.

"We've all fought enough; too much, honestly. It's not fair and I know that." She went on her toes and kissed his cheek as she hugged him.

"What if something happens here while you're gone?" Brett had his arms around his sister, wishing he could keep her from leaving.

"I think you know who'd you'd have to call," Koda softly replied.

"You want me to call Dad?"

"If you're in trouble, yes. He left me a message telling me he lives not too far from here. If it's an emergency, okay?" Letting go of him, she picked her bag up from the floor. "I'm going to be here late tonight, but I'll be back in time to take you to school for your first day."

Deadpool \\ Derek Hale [1]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن