Sixteen \\ Devenford

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Sixteen \\

"I'm not in school. I'm with Lydia. We're trying to find the cipher for Lorraine's code."

Dakoda made rounds in the hospital, her phone squished between her shoulder and her ear. She was on break time, but she rarely stayed down during her time off. "Any luck?"

"No dice, but we're working on it," Stiles said with a sigh. "What did you find out. Scott said you were panicked about something."

"Did you ever actually count up how much was on the lists?"

"No, but I mean it's 117 since that's how much was taken from Peter." He hesitated, "Right?"

"Not exactly, no." Koda stepped to the side, letting a gurney pass. She ran a hand along her jaw, "There's 147 million on it, Stiles. I counted it up a couple of hours ago. 147 million dollars in total."

"But that's..." His voice trailed off, "The money not accounted for,"

"It's how much I am. 30 extra, my price. There's no way in Hell that's a coincidence." She took another glance around, cautious.

"You're being personally funded?" Stiles asked. "Someone must really want you dead, Koda."

"Seems so."

"Hey, could you do me a quick favor?" he asked, changing subjects after a moment.

"What do you need?" Koda sat up from leaning against the wall, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Could you get a copy of the paper to my dad? He had his surgery this morning and he likes the Wallstreet Journal."

Dakoda hesitated but soon accepted, "No problem. Keep me updated on the code and if you crack it."

"You got it. Later, Koda."

"Bye, Stiles." Hanging up, she let out a soft sigh and pocketed her phone. Taking change, she went to the displays of papers and paid for a copy of the Sheriff's preferred newspaper.

She could get it to him by using another nurse.

Koda returned to her post, finding Stilinski's room number on a clipboard. When she was about to ask for someone to do a delivery, her whole station was busy.

She gave a slight huff, going up to the next floor with the paper herself. She could more than likely get in and out without having an issue.

Hell, she was hoping the Sheriff would be napping when she went in.

With the room surfacing in front of her, Koda hesitated to grab the door handle. She pressed it to open, finding Sheriff Stilinski writing while one arm was slung in a cast. "Sheriff?" she softly asked, coming into the room.

"Yes?" The Sheriff looked up, his glasses on the bridge of his nose as he ceased writing. "Can I help you?"

"No, sir that's my job." Dakoda lightly joked, feeling slightly nervous. "We got a call from your son. He said you liked the newspaper."

Sheriff Stilinski furrowed his eyebrows, taking the paper as she handed it to him. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Is there anything else I can get you?"

"This is fine, thank you."

Dakoda nodded, relieved. "Enjoy your paper." She turned, making her way to the door.

Sheriff Stilinski left the newspaper on his lap, taking off his glasses as he watched the nurse. "Dakoda?"

She hesitated in the doorway, glancing back to him. "No, Sir. I think you have the wrong person." She disappeared out the door before he could prompt her again. She ran her hand through her hair, her heart racing and attempting to not give out.

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