Eighteen \\ Tensions

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Eighteen \\

"Close your eyes."

As rain poured down over the young wolves in the high school lacrosse field, Brett knew Beacon Hills was going to kill him.

Red dots littered his chest, and all Brett could think about was Koda.

He would die without seeing her again. Die without knowing if she was okay. If she was still alive.

Brett drew in a breath that he thought would be his last, hearing the familiar pang of an arrow being released from its bow.

But it never reached him.

Kira slashed her katana down, slicing the arrow in half.

Brett and Genevieve both looked to Kira with wide eyes, a sudden burst of thankfulness but there was still terror in their eyes.

But they weren't safe yet.

"Run!" Kira yelled, soaked head to toe. She swiped at arrows that followed, soon running off the field in pursuit of the wolves. "Come with me." She kept a fast pace, keeping her blade unsheathed.

"What about our pack?" Genevieve held onto Brett's hand, her legs tired of running.

"I already found them," Kira said, a car lighting up as she pressed the engine button on her keys. "They'll meet us."

"What about Koda?" Brett asked, climbing into the red car as Kira got Genevieve into the backseat.

Kira dropped into the front seat a moment later, pushing wet hair from her face. "No, none of us have found her." She broke multiple laws the car quickly vanishing towards Deaton's. "Unless she's showed up in the past half hour, we don't know where she is."

"I hope she's still alive," Brett softly said, checking his phone again even thought it was pointless. "When is this going to end? The assassins, the massacre."

"We're working on it," Kira promised, killing the engine as they practically swerved into the vet clinic parking lot. "Back door," she told them, all three quick and alert in their movements.

Brett took Genevieve's hand, following the path to the door. Rapping on it with his knuckles as the rain began to steady, he prayed Koda was in there by some miracle. "Satomi, it's Brett."

The door swung open, the three granted access into the clinic.

As Genevieve was pulled into hugs by worried pack members, Brett looked for Dakoda.

Brett felt his heart grow heavier, worry pulsing through his veins.

Never since, well ever really, had Koda been radio silent with him for as long as this.

He could only think of the worst.

Brett closed his eyes, trying to hold himself together.

No one touched him or spoke, knowing that would only make it worse.

Within ten minutes the door opened again, revealing Scott. Kira ran to him, quickly pressing her lips to his with longing.

When they pulled apart Scott was still holding her. "Is your mom-"

"She's okay. Healing," Kira replied, still slightly out of breath.

"What about you?"


Scott was so glad to see her in once piece, "Are you okay?"

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