Chapter Two

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Kinsgley woke up with a groan. His head was pounding and his dry throat was even more painful. He grabbed the water bottle on his nightstand, to find that it was empty. He got up from the bed, and walked to the kitchen, struggling to keep his eyes open.

He cursed himself for drinking as much as he did last night. His days of consuming endless alcohol and waking up feeling nothing were over the moment he graduated from college. Now he had a killer hangover, and he knew he'd be spending his weekend staying indoors- watching netflix, napping and playing video games.

As he chugged an entire bottle of water, the events of last night played in his head. He had gone to that man's apartment- what was his name? Liam? Louis? No, Luke!

They had their fun, and Kingsley sneaked out as soon as the other man had fallen asleep. But that was not all that happened- Kingsley remember Lorenzo's face when his boss walked in the restroom, just in time to watch Kingsley recieve a blowjob.

And how had Kingsley responded? Instead of pulling away and covering himself, he had thrusted into Luke's mouth even harder. If Lorenzo wanted to watch, then Kingsley was ready to give him a show.

But did he want to watch? Or was he just shocked and frozen on the spot because of the surprise? Kingsley really couldn't tell from his reaction, and the memory was also a little hazy, thanks to all that tequila that Miles kept ordering.

Fuck, Kingsley muttered as he thought about having to face Lorenzo in the office on Monday. Having to be normal in front of the other employees wasn't going to be hard, but he also agreed to working overtime with Lorenzo alone. How was he supposed to act then?

"Maybe I should just quit," Kingsley said to himself, "not like I need the job, anyway."

That was true. Both of Kingsley's parents were loaded. And he was their only son. He lived in a penthouse that his father had named after him, and drove a Rolls Royce his mother had given him as a graduation present after school. Nobody at work knew, though. He usually either took the subway, or carpooled with his best friend, Roan, to work.

The only reason Kingsley was working an entry level job was because he wanted to do something with his life. And also, he had sort of applied as a joke. He wasn't even serious about it until he went for the interview. But the moment he saw Lorenzo Salazar for the first time- he changed his mind.

In all honesty, Kingsley had planned on seducing the man, and then leaving the job in a month. But as he started working with Lorenzo, he couldn't help but be mesmerised by how charming the man was. How headstrong, confident and intelligent he was. Kingsley's plans were long forgotten, and he eventually started enjoying his job.

The weekend passed by in a blur, and before he knew it- Kingsley was back at his desk, working on a mind-numbingly boring report. Thankfully, Kingsley hadn't run into Lorenzo yet, but that changed soon.

"Reece? May I see you in my office?" Lorenzo asked. Kingsley looked up at the taller man, who had a flat look on his face.

"Sure," Kingsley answered.

"Now," Lorenzo said as he cleared his throat, "please."

Kingsley didn't reply, and simply got up from his chair as he followed Lorenzo into his office. His office was at the corner of the floor, the walls were concrete, and the glass door was fairly translucent.

Lorenzo sat down on his chair, and Kingsley got seated in front of him. Just Lorenzo's wide desk between them, the desk where Kinsgley had fantasised himself multiple times being-

"I wanted to talk to you about friday," Lorenzo stated. Kingsley subconsciously straightened his shoulders, as he looked at his boss with a matching blank expression.

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