Chapter Three

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"-I sent you some slides a couple hours ago, did you have a chance to look through them?" Lorenzo asked as he got seated next to Kingsley.

Kingsley went to Lorenzo's office once he was done with his work, and then the two decided that it was probably best to work in the conference room. Since it was bigger and would give them the space to work side by side. Everyone else had already left to go back home, and it was just the two of them on the entire floor.

"No, sorry, I didn't get the time," Kingsley answered.

"That's okay, go through them now and let me know what you think. I know two weeks seems excessive to work on a single presentation but this is a very important meeting, so I want to be thorough in the preparation," Lorenzo stated.

"Noted, sir," Kingsley replied with a nod as he opened the slides that Lorenzo had emailed him.

Everyone in the office knew that Lorenzo was a workaholic. He also liked to get things done as promptly as possible, so if he was willing to spend two weeks preparing for one meeting- then it obviously was crucial.

Kingsley wouldn't describe himself as a very hard worker, he was more the type to perform averagely. Just enough to cruise by without trouble. But with this presentation, he really wanted to give his best. Mainly because he wanted to impress Lorenzo.

"This graph here, which demographic does it represent?" Kingsley asked as he pointed at his laptop screen.

Lorenzo wore his black, thick rimmed reading glasses as he got up from his chair. Kingsley had always found them super hot, enough for his breath to momentarily hitch. He stood behind Kingsley, before leaning down to look at the screen. His face was right beside Kingsley's, and if either one of them was to tilt their heads- then they would surely touch.

Kingsley's mind started racing almost instantly. Was this Lorenzo's way of flirting? Showing that he was interested? Kingsley didn't want to misinterpret and make the first move. He didn't want to risk losing his job, so he continued looking at the screen as Lorenzo calmly explained the slide.

Kingsley tried to pay attention, but instead of Lorenzo's words, he could only focus on the depth of his voice. He had a slight accent too, which Kingsley figured could be since Lorenzo did his bachelor's from England.

Both of them were interrupted by Kingsley's phone vibrating. It was right next to his laptop, and the screen lit up with Roan's name and contact picture on the screen.

Roan was Kingsley's best friend, who he often carpooled with to and fro from work. Kingsley cursed internally- he had totally forgotten that Roan was supposed to come back from his vacation on sunday. He was in Italy for his honeymoon, and was starting work again from today. He didn't tell him about working overtime either.

"I have to take this," Kingsley muttered as his picked up the phone.

Lorenzo cleared his throat as he stood up straight, before sitting down on his own chair next to Kingsley, pulling it away just a little bit farther than where it was earlier. An action that was missed by Kinsgley.

"Hey, I'm leaving from work now so I'll pick you up in like ten minutes?" Roan said as Kingsley picked up.

"I'll be working overtime the next two weeks, so I'll just take the subway back home," Kingsley replied.

"Overtime? Two weeks? Why the fuck would you do that?" Roan asked.

"There's an important meeting coming up," Kingsley mumbled.

"Oh, wait- are you with your boss? Is this an attempt to get in his pants?" Roan asked, and Kingsley could just imagine the teasing smirk that the blond would be sporting at that moment.

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