Contact Kills

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In this one, Grian has haphephobia, or the fear of being touched. The reason I'm writing this is because I have haphephobia, and I just felt like it. Mine is less extreme than most, but I still feel incredibly uncomfortable with most people touching me. Chloe is the only exception. The fear came from me being afraid that touching people meant you could read their mind, and she's the only person I would actually trust with that power. Anyways, enjoy! 

This chapter was brought to you by Vivi's fear of human contact. 

Grian POV 

     "Sahara is amazing." Mumbo announced. 

     "It's the best." Iskall agreed. 

     "We should have done this way sooner." I added. 

     "Too right." Mumbo laughed and patted me on the back. Instantly, a bile rose up in my throat, and I got slightly dizzy. No one on Hermitcraft knew I hated being touched. My heart beat harder, and my breath got caught. 

     "Yeah." I said. "Anyways, I got to get back to my base. See you later?" 

     "Of course!" Iskall assured. I flew away without another word. I could still feel where Mumbo touched me. It's like he left a handprint on my soul. Maybe I should just tell them. No! They'll think I'm even more of a little kid if I had a childish fear. I can't tell anyone. It's ok, it's ok, I'm fine, I'm fine. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. I hate haphephobia. 

     I worked on my base for a little while. It helps calm me down. Just placing a block, then placing another, and another, until the thing is done. Building is really nice. 

     As I stood in my base, crafting some more concrete, I heard rockets flying by. Weird. "HELLO GRIAN!" Mumbo flew at a million miles per hour into my base. Before I could react, he pulled me into a tight hug. Iskall flew in close behind and did the same. 

     My heart rate increased by tenfold. Breathing got hard, and oxygen seemed so thick. Tears threatened to fall out of my eyes. Everytime I think I'm better. Iskall started chatting about the new sales they made. Mumbo started to argue with Iskall about who actually did the most work. Neither noticed how upset I was. You always seem to prove me wrong. 

Sorry it's short. This is mainly just my anger at my mom not knowing about my fear. Anyways, thanks for reading! 

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