How Sad(8)

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Honestly, I don't even have words. 

Mumbo POV

     I was looking for Grian. We were supposed to be playing a prank together, but I can't find him. He's not at the barge, he's not at his mansion, where is the guy? 

     As I look around, I begin to panic. Where is he? What if something happened to him? Maybe I should ask Xisuma. I took out my communicator. 

[MumboJumbo] has anyone seen Grian recently? 

[TinFoilChef] no, why? 

[MumboJumbo] I cant find him and im getting worried 

[Xisumavoid] hes not answering his communicator? 

[MumboJumbo] no

[Xisumavoid] ill see if hes ok, alright? 

[MumboJumbo] please do, im getting really worried 

     Xisuma would check up on Grian, and he would be fine. He would have a valid reason to not be here, and we could laugh it off like we always do. 

[Server] Player [Grian] does not show up. Player is either dead or does not exist. 

     What? That can't be right. Grian's just playing a prank, right? He's gonna show up in chat saying 'GOT YOU' like he always does. My best friend is fine. Right? 


You picked wrong again. This time you killed the bean faster. I'm not sure if it's funny or sad. Probably both. 

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