How Sad(11)

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Welp, you just chose 'Cry' sooo, here you go. Grian crying. 

Grian POV

     I don't know what to do anymore. I can never get anything done, I always get in peoples way, and I can never actually be good. No matter how hard I try, I can never do something nice. Everyone always treats me like a mischievous child and I hate it. I never can do anything right. 

     I sat down in a corner. Sniff. Maybe they will all be better without me. I could just take the razor. . . 

     I grabbed the blade. I can't even stay awake properly. Three cuts. I can't finish anything I start. Ten cuts. The hermits would be better off without me. Thirty cuts. I collapsed to the floor, now sobbing uncontrollably. 

     I stayed like that for a few minutes. I didn't notice the footsteps. 



Ok, I know I have never really felt like this, but G mah dude. Don't you think your overreacting for going to sleep? 

What does Grian do? Does he:

A. Bolt away as fast as possible. 

B. Explain everything. 

C. Lie. Somehow. Probably would fail. He's still holding the blade. It would be funny though. 

D. Cry even more. 

E. Kill himself. I put this back because he is literally holding a blade he used to cut himself while crying uncontrollably. How would this not be an option? 

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