How Sad(7)

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That went worse than last time. 

Grian POV

     I need to stock the barge. It's running low on sand, and I can't disappoint everyone more than I already did. I put on my elytra and take off towards the desert. Stifling a yawn, I think, maybe I should have slept. I shook my head. No. I can go a little longer. 

     I landed in the vast sea of little grains of sand. Hah- grains. I grab my shovel and start filling up a few shulker boxes. This is gonna take awhile. . . 

     I filled up all the shulker boxes. My head was pounding, and my muscles were screaming at me to rest. I have to keep going. . . I grabbed the shulker boxes and started running to take off, but instead I stumbled to the ground. I can't move. It hurts too much. I hope someone finds me. . . 

     Who was I kidding. I'm the only one who goes to this desert. Please notice I'm gone. 

     I don't want to die. . . 

Grian is incapacitated, you no longer have control of his actions. You do, however, still choose the outcome. You have no idea what it is though. Choose wisely. This could be the end. 

Option A. 

Option B. 

Which outcome is which was decided by the flip of a coin. I had no say in the matter. It might be different, it might be the same. Pick a choice. 

Seriously though, how did this go worse than before? 

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