How Sad(5)

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Oh how sad. 

Grian's dead. 

You chose wrong. 

I would say enjoy, 

But instead I'll say CRY. 

Mumbo POV

     I feel terrible. I shouldn't have snapped at Grian. He looked so heartbroken when I yelled at him. I have to go apologize. Grian deserves better. I march into Grian's base. 

     "Grian!" I yell as loud as I can. "Grian I'm sorry! I didn't mean to snap at you earlier!" I walk around his mansion. "Grian?" He's not in his bedroom. Maybe in his storage room? Nope. Where is the little gremlin? 

     Maybe he's in the bathroom? The door was closed, and the light was on. "Grian?" Maybe he's just ignoring me. . . My heart sank. I dropped my gaze to the floor as I think this. Wait. . . Is that blood? It's coming from under the door. 

     "GRIAN!" I scream. "GRIAN OPEN THE DOOR!" I banged on the wood. No answer. I kicked the door down. So much blood. . . "GRIAN PLEASE!" He was just laying there, so still. I grab him, shaking his unmoving body. "Grian. . ." No no no no. 

     This is all my fault. . . Tears fell out of my eyes while I was kneeling on the floor. Grian. . . I'm so sorry I let you down. . . . . . 

I have no remorse for you, you chose this. Deal with it. 

I am actually kinda confused on how I laughed while writing this though-

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