How Sad(13)

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Now he hides in the shopping district. Fun! Finally, you chose what I wanted you too. Thanks! 

Grian POV

     He flew to the shopping district. He hid in a small corner that he found, and started crying. What do I do now? What can I do now? 

     My communicator buzzed. 

[Xisumavoid] Serverwide meeting. This is important. Meet at the shopping district. 

     Oh no. Everyone was coming here. This isn't good. I was about to get up and fly away when I heard fireworks. Their already here! Crap! 

     The hermits all started muttering and chatting with each other, though they all quieted down when X cleared his throat. 

     "The reason I called this meeting is because Grian." Everyone paused. 

     "What did he do now?" Doc groaned. I winced. He immediately thought I did something wrong. I'm a terrible person, aren't I? 

     "He cut himself." The silence was truly real this time. No one said anything for a few seconds. 

     "Oh." Was all Doc could manage. 

     "When Mumbo confronted him, he ran away. We need to find him before he hurts himself more, or worse, kills himself." Xisuma said. "Everyone get in a pair. Mumbo, your with me. We need to find him." Everyone started searching for a partner. 

     They're all looking for me. Why? Why do they care? Why can't they just let me die like the worthless creature I am? I know. Because they're good people. Good people who deserve better than me. 

     I started to cry silently. I couldn't make noise. They were still outside. I can't do this anymore. I should just end it all. Without realizing, I let out a pained whimper. 

     I only noticed when everyone went quiet, and footsteps approached my hiding spot. Nonono, you can't find me! No! What do I do? What do I do! 

What does Grian do? Does he:

A. Try to bolt. 

B. Stay where he is. 

C. Fight back. 

D. Hope they won't see him. 

E. Kill himself. 

This is getting intense! This is FUN! 

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