How Sad(9)

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Here you go. Another chance. Please don't kill him again. 

Grian POV

I put my razor down, and rolled up my sleeves. I put the blade in it's little hidey hole under my sink. No one should check there.

I walked back to my bed. No. I don't need sleep. There are too many things to do for me to sleep. I jogged over to my villager farm. Let's see how this works. . .

I woke up to the parrots outside chirping. No! I fell asleep! The villager farm was nowhere near done. This is why I'm so useless. I can't even finish a farm. Oh, I have to fix this, I need to get the Barge stocked up, and then we have the Mycelium Resistance, oh there's just so much to do.

What does Grian do? Does he:

A. Finish the villager farm.

B. Stock the Barge.

C. Spread the mycelium.

D. Go to sleep.

E. Kill himself. 

You guys got this! As I thing I probably should say, if you want him to get better, than you should probably choose D again. That was the best option. It helped Grian get physically better, which is something he needed. Then again, your choice! Good luck! 

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