Unnoticed (2)

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So, uh, I totally didn't just start writing all three options a few seconds after I posted the last chapter, I don't know what you talking about. 

Mumbo POV, option A. 

     I haven't seen Grian for a few days. I'm starting to get worried. Sometimes he goes and collects sand or gravel for a few days, but he always leaves a sign. This time, there's no sign. I should go looking for him. 

     He's not at his house. Maybe Sahara? No. Maybe I should check the sand and gravel spots, he might have just forgotten the sign. As I was flying, I started thinking. Ugh, you spoon. Just message him! I landed and took out my communicator. 

[MumboJumbo] Grian? Where are you? 

[ZombieCleo] isnt he at his base? 

[MumboJumbo] no and he hasn't been for a while 

[Xisumavoid] should I track his communicator? 

[MumboJumbo] yes 

[MumboJumbo] im worried about him 

[Server] Xisumavoid is locating player [Grian] 

[Server] Player [Grian] is not found. Communicator was destroyed four days ago. 


[Server] Xisumavoid is locating last known place player [Grian] occupied. 

[Server] ### ## ###### are the coordinates. 

[Server] Xisumavoid is teleporting player [MumboJumbo] and player [Xisumavoid] to coordinates ### ## #####. Accept? 

[Server] Teleporting. . . 

     My stomach clenched at the feeling of teleporting. It felt like turning into goo and then turning back again. Not pleasant. I fell to the ground from a tree. What the heck? I activated my elytra at the last second. Where is Grian? Looking around, I saw a small red shape in the grass. 

     "X! Over here!" I called out. "Grian? Grian are you ok? Grian please respond." I frantically speed-talked to my friend. I stopped instantly when I touched him. He's ice cold. Looking closer, I realized he wasn't breathing. He's been dead for a while. "Grian. . ." I whispered. Slowly, I took out my communicator. 

[MumboJumbo] i found him 

[Welsknight] is he ok? 

[MumboJumbo] no 

[Welsknight] should I get medical supplies? 

[MumboJumbo] no 

[Welsknight] HES DEAD? 

[MumboJumbo] yes 

JoeHillsTSD is typing. . . 

ZombieCleo is typing. . . 

Welsknight is typing. . . 

Iskall85 is typing. . . 

     I set down my communicator. I'm so sorry Grian. I'm so sorry. . . 

     I should have noticed sooner. 

Grian POV, option B. 

     I was a ghost. I was angry. I was an angry ghost. You know what angry ghosts do. 

     My "friends" didn't even notice I was missing. They were just playing golf together. I can fix this. . . 

     Floating up, I grabbed Keralis's enderpearl midair, causing him to fall down. 

     "Oww!" He groaned. "What was that?" I smiled. A lesser extent of what killed me. I then deflected Tango's back towards him so that it hit him in the head. The look of confusion on his face is perfect! False is next. . . 

     The hermits are looking around for me. Your not gonna find me. I'm 10169 blocks away. It was amazing that I knew that off the top of my head. Maybe it's because I'm  a ghost? I probably just always know where my body is. 

     A salmon splashed in the river. I have an idea. . . 

     "AHHHHH ITS AFTER ME HELP!" Iskall screamed as I chased him with a salmon head. 

     "DON'T BRING IT NEAR ME!" Mumbo screeched. Xisuma was frantically trying to figure out what was happening. He suddenly froze, so I threw the fish head and went to look at the code panels. Oh. He's looking at my code. Finally figured it out. Oh well. I'm angry now. Hermitcraft is about to notice what a ghost can do. 

Grian POV, option ???/option c. 

     I should lead them to my body. It's far away, but I think I can do it. A communicator. I need a communicator. Luckily, I know where Xisuma keeps his spare. He doesn't know I know, I was planning on using it for a prank, but this works. 

[Server] ęrrœr,'.', fį.ñ'd G'...,".,,r.,'",.,î,'"',æ.'.,ń' 

[Welsknight] what is that? 

[JoeHillsTSD] It looks like it says 'Find Grian'. 

[Server] Ç.'ør."r,rē.çt 

[Xisumavoid] why? 

[Server] ### ## ##### 

[Xisumavoid] Are those the coordinates? 

[Server] 'Ÿ.",'.ę,".",ś 

[StressMonster] should we really go? 

[MumboJumbo] what if Grian's in trouble 

[MumboJumbo] if he is, we have to go 

     Poor Mumbo. I weakly smiled. He has no idea. As much as I don't want to hurt him, I can't let myself go unnoticed. 

I knew you were gonna choose option ???. Who wouldn't? 

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