Dangerous Game(3)

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He's going to write in his diary now:) 

You are too wholesome for me to kill Grian. 


Grian POV

     Truth is, I didn't actually have anything important to do. I just wanted to write in my diary. When I'm feeling down, looking at all the fun stuff I did really helps me feel better, and this definitely counts as fun. 

     I sat down at my desk with the pen in hand. I recounted every word and every movement with pinpoint precision. The look on Mumbo face was especially detailed. It was just too priceless. When I finished, I set the book aside, and put the pen back in it's holder. What should I do now? Oh, I know! 

What is the bread boy gonna do now? 

Well that's your choice, isn't it? 

Griangst One-ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ