30. Heartbroken him

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Bondita was crying like crazy and Anirudh was watching her from window and he too was crying...It was all seen by batuk bad som...

Som and batuk went to him and kept there hands on his shoulder...anirudh was shocked that who was there he quickly wiped his tears and turned...

Anirudh:- what happened?? Why you too are here?

Batuk:- bro!! Don't hide from us...we know something is wrong...

Anirudh:- Nothing is wrong..you are out of your minds...

Som:- we know that you are hiding something from us from the very first day ...if nothing is wrong then why are you standing here and crying for the girl whom you hate...

Anirudh:- listen , I m not crying for her.

Batuk:- Again, you are lying ...we wanna a know truth ...right here..

Anirudh:- okkay....come to study...

Trio went to study...
Som:- so we are waiting....

Anirudh :- I m saying...

Anirudh took a deep breath and started...

Anirudh:- I don't hate her ..infact I love her..

Som:- then you said all that things that day...

Anirudh:- first of all you both will keep quiet and let me speak...

Somtuk:- okk, continue

Anirudh:- so as I said I love her...but that girl ...that saudamini ..she forced me to say this all things and to do this all things....


Anirudh was in office and he got a call from someone...

On call someone:- your wife has faced an accident...come soon...

That caller messaged him and he reached the hospital but after he got to know that someone had did fun with him...he left the place but on the ground floor he found someone pulled him in the room..he was shocked to see the person..she was saudamini...

Anirudh :- you!! What are you doing here and how dare you to touch me??

Saudamini:- I will dare everything and you will help me...

Anirudh:- why would I ??

Saudamini:- because your wife's life is in my hand..I know you love her and if you want her to stay alive you will do as I say...

Anirudh:- I will not...

Saudamini:- OK , then I have many man who are roaming around your wife unknown to you and her ...my one call and she will live this earth...

Anirudh:- don't do it . I will do as you say....

Saudamini smiled evilly..

Anirudh came back that night late and slept alone....he cried as he was sacred for loading her ...losing his love...

From next day ..he did as saudamini said....

Flashback ends...

Anirudh sat on his knees and cried ...
While somtuk composed him...

Anirudh:- I broke her...I broke her trust... you saw na how hard was she crying...I m so bad ...she don't deserve me...no no I don't deserve her...I know she hates me a lot ....but still I love her...I love my bondu...

Som:- don't worry daa we will help you and be with you...

Anirudh:- no ...no you have to be with bondita she needs you...

Batuk:- don't worry dada..we will be with her too...

Anirudh:- hmm...

Som:- now you sleep dada , you need a good sleep than we will think about anything else tomorrow..

Anirudh nodded and went to sleep on couch ...somtuk  sat beside him till he slept...

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