Chapter 2

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"Good morning Miss Rivers!"

You jump, punching the male in his jaw. HR stumbled back with a cry of pain and you winced.

"Crap, I'm sorry HR you scared me."

He straightened, waving it off.

"No need to apologize." 

He said that, but he looked like he was in pain, and his cheek was turning a bit red.

"Why are you even awake at this hour?"

You'd just gotten dressed to go for your morning jog. You knew HR slept in the labs, but you didn't expect him to be awake at 5 in the morning. Looking down, you notice his attire. From the loose pants and sneakers it's apparent that maybe he had the same idea.

"Francesco told me you loved your morning jog, so I thought we could go together. You know, bond. I've heard so much about the great Ms. Rivers!" He moves forward, and you side step.

"I prefer to run alone."

Plugging in your earbuds, HR waves.

"Sounds great, see you later!"


Upon your return, the lab seems to be up and running. Harry is sipping on coffee.

"Nice of you to join us. I got tired of my counterparts ranting." Harry gestures to the side. HR is pestering Cisco about something. The second those blue eyes land on you, they brighten, and you shift a bit uncomfortably. Harry marks your reaction.

"You're back! So I was thinking, what's to say you and me go on a little treasure hunt. Francesco is busy with boring lab stuff and I'm completely free."

"I've got to get back to my day job. Criminals to catch." You crack your knuckles for emphasis, and HR chuckles nervously.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be here." You just make your exit.

The week carries on like that. For some reason HR was relentless in trying to get you to do activities with him. You knew his intentions were good. He was trying to get closer since the both of you hadn't spent as much time as he did with the other members of Team Flash. But you were busy.

You didn't have time to be running around with another Harrison Wells who felt it necessary to drum whenever he spoke. One particular occasion you'd been doing your morning routine and he thought it wise to tap your shoulder when you had on your earbuds. You spun around, twisting his arm behind his back. His yell alerted you that maybe you were just a little weary.

"What's your problem!!" You pulled out your headphones, glaring at him. He moved back nursing his sore arm with a grin.

"I should really stop sneaking up on you huh?" He laughed, and you shoved him to the wall, pressing your hand to his throat. Now he looked a bit alarmed.

"Why do you keep hanging around me, are you planning something?"

"No! No ill intentions here I swear." Eyes narrowed, you studied him for a few more seconds before you released him.

"Word of advice, when I'm practicing, keep your distance."


He still sounded foolishly cheerful. It was irritating. Grabbing your towel, you walked around him to find some peaceful place, away from HR's constant appearances.

Later that afternoon, there's a knock at the door. You groan.

"Damn it HR!"

"Nice to see you too." Harry's sarcastic voice stated. You relaxed.

"Just you." you mutter.

"I suppose I don't have to ask what you think of the new addition?" You snort at Harry's question.

"Please, I know you can't stand him, Harry. Trying to get in my favor to zap him to another universe."

He shakes his head. "As annoying as he is, he has helped us out quite a few times."

It's weird hearing Harry speak nice about anyone that wasn't himself. 

Wait a second. 

Technically he was him.

"You're such a narcissist. " He lets out a soft laugh.

"I was generally interested in what you thought." You nod suspiciously.

"I may know about your past with the other wells, but HR doesn't. I think we've all seen how put off you are by him. It's strange. If anything I would have expected you to be more open to him. He's nothing like Thawne." 

Just the name makes your hand clench just a little.

"Even when I first came, you weren't this hostile. So why are you with him?"

"Didn't peg you for a therapist Harry." You do your best to brush off the question.

"I've got some things to handle, see you later."

You quickly make your way out of there before he can delve any deeper. 

HR Harrison Wells (Flash)Where stories live. Discover now