Chapter 9

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With Eobard locked up in Argus back in his time, everyone was a lot more relieved. Walker is still here, explaining the extent of your powers. Every question you asked is answered. It's only when he tells you that he has to go that you feel a bit unsure. A part of you feels powerful because he's around. It's almost like you've known him forever.

"What if I falter, I know you say I'm strong but I..I don't think I would have been able to beat Eobard without you."

"You no longer need me. The points where you thought you were weakest, it's where your hope was at its peak. You may not have realized, but your capacity for hope is extraordinary. Only a few have ever been selected as blue lanterns. It is the hardest of energy's to manifest and harness. You thought that your hurt made you weak, but it's quite the opposite."

Everyone in the room looks just as awed as you.

"You...were there that day weren't you...."

Walker nods.

"I merely followed the beacon of your hope. You did the rest. I may have granted you the power, but you were the one who provided the strength. You are one of us." 

The hologram bows.

"Your journey has just started. Great things are in store for you (Y/N) Rivers. When the time comes, I may need your help to protect what is precious to me. All I ask is that you offer me that assistance. You have no obligations to me, nor to the ring. Though that is the case, I would be very grateful."

You shake your head when he gets down onto his knees, moving forward, you smile.

"I accept this ring, and the responsibility." He looks up in astonishment.

"I know you say that you didn't do much to help that day, but I felt you. I think I felt you watching over me for a while now. Whenever you need me, I'll be here." You lift the ring, and he mirrors your smile with a joyous one.

"You are truly a noble warrior, thank you." He stands fully, lifting his ring.

"All will be well."

You both say simultaneously. Your rings touch, and the ball of light surrounding his body disappears, so does he.

The present members of Team Flash are at a loss for words. Harry is the one who breaks the silence.

"I leave for a few days and you turn into some sentient being. "

You smile, HR begins laughing, and so do you.


It's understandable that everyone decided to call it a day. Eobard had consumed so much energy. For Iris you know more than anything she wanted to ensure Barry was okay. You'd assured them that you could hold down the fort while they got some well earned R&R. Barry was hesitant, but you told him that you were fine. You were more than fine.

"What a day am I right? You're like a double superhero, is that even legal!" HR makes a big arm gesture, and you laugh.

"I wish I was as strong as you. Shooting beams out like pew, pew!" His sounds have you smiling. Now though, you feel like you need to be honest.

"HR, truthfully, I found strength because I didn't want to lose my friends. And I didn't want to lose you. You're important to me."

His earlier quip dies down. He looks at you and he can see it. The fear you'd shown when you thought you would lose him. It's crazy. He's never seen anyone truly look at him the way you are now.

"But I'm not.."

"I care about you."

 You shut down any negative statement he's about to make.

"If anything were to happen to you HR I have no idea what I would.." Just thinking about it brings you to tears.

"HR I.."

He steps closer, pulling you into his arms, rubbing your back.

"Shhh, it's okay, I'm fine. Completely unharmed. See." He grins at you, and you can't help but giggle.

"You're so goofy." You hold on tight regardless. You just like the reassurance that he's here.

It's a few moments before you pull away.

HR looks down at you with the smile he always wears, but this time when your eyes meet, it's different. He falls silent, and so do you. The smile is slowly leaving his lips, and you can see his stare shift focus to your mouth. He swallows, and so do you. There's a moment where you're convinced he can hear your rapidly beating heart.



You've forgotten what it is you planned to say.

"(Y/N) I need you too-" 

Harry comes strolling in, and HR takes a step back.

"I-I guess he really needs you, since you're now a fancy lantern." 

He makes a wild gesture, right before he does his signature bow. Just like that he's pacing out of the room. Your eyes can't help but follow him until you no longer see him. You finally refocus on Harry who's giving you a knowing look.

"Was I interrupting?"

You flush.

"No, did you need something?"

"It can wait." 

He definitely interrupted. 

HR Harrison Wells (Flash)Where stories live. Discover now