Chapter 3

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Returning from your most recent hunt, you walk into the cortex to meet with Cisco. Apparently this meta was a bit tricky to snag, so they were counting on a little old fashioned human stealth. Barry had set up a plan that would have been executed perfectly if HR hadn't messed with it. Now standing in the cortex is a very strong and angry meta.


HR's voice echoes as you both begin to run. Cisco had gotten knocked unconscious, so you figured the best deal would be to steer him away until Barry showed up.

"I'm headed your way!" Barry calls.

You and HR become cornered. Stepping in front of HR, you draw your gun. Bullets wouldn't do much, but you figured it would maybe distract or at least slow down the rapid beast of a man in front of you.

"I should be protecting you!" HR protests.

"I think it's a little too late for you to be acting chivalrous." You hiss. 

Barry appears behind him, and you nod, shooting. While he's distracted, you run and skate between the legs of the male, tossing the partially broken device. Barry attaches it to the part he holds as he fires a blast. The shock hits the meta, and he tumbles to the floor like a fallen tree. You sigh in relief and HR cheers.

"Good job team!!"

You scratch your head in irritation.

"Stay out of the way before you get someone hurt!!"

It's a bit harsh, but you can't help it. You're making your way back to the cortex to check on Cisco, and Barry sends HR a sympathetic smile.

"Don't take it to heart, she's just really protective."

"No harm no foul. Sticks and stones right." 

HR just begins marching off with his head held high. Barry deflates. He wasn't sure what else he could do to help you be more friendly with the new Wells. 

He was running out of ideas.


Luckily Cisco had taken worse hits than that. You weren't too fond of running into HR that morning, so you didn't stay the night. You went to your apartment and took a much needed nap. HR had you tense, and it was draining having to save his life every time he was reckless or made a mistake. But you had been a jerk to him. So the next day, you grab two cups of the coffee he loves so much as a peace offering. 

As you enter the cortex, you're sifting through new gigs to take, but the bright colored banner stops you short. Cisco is waving at Harry frantically, and HR jumps out with something in a small box.

"Just on time!"

"What the hell is all this?" you ask. 

Barry races into the cortex looking around.

"Where's the emergency?"

"Don't worry BA, it's just a party, here." He places a party hat on a very confused Barry.

"Uhh..what are we celebrating?"

"(Y/N)'s birthday of course."

The room immediately becomes tense. You drop the cups of coffee in your hands. HR flinches slightly and you blink looking down.


You take a step back, then lower your head.

"I'm sorry I have to go." You rush out of the cortex, and Barry looks solemn.

"Does she not like her birthday or something?" HR just laughs like it's a ridiculous thought.

"She doesn't celebrate her birthday. "

In a matter of seconds Barry has cleared all the decorations, dumping them into the trash. HR is speechless, but it becomes clear to him now that he's obviously crossed a line.

They hadn't seen much of you for the rest of the day. For the first time they felt like it was better to just give you some space. 

Well, at least most of them.

HR finds you in the gym, and you sigh, wiping the sweat off your face.

"Do you need something?"

He lets out a laugh. 

"Didn't mean to bother you, just wanted to apologize for the mess I made earlier. "

"It's no big deal." You're about to go back to your workout, but HR continues.

"I get it. I know I can be kind of a nuisance. And I'm not exactly a genius like the other Wells." He laughs, but you can tell it's forced. 

Still he smiles.

Your shoulders sag. You'd been so bent on keeping your distance that you didn't notice how harsh you were being. Especially since it was clear HR questioned his place on the team sometimes. He had very little knowledge of your past, and it's not like you'd been the mostly open person. He was just trying to be your friend.

"That's not it."

He looks your way, and you shift on your feet. The gloves on your hand suddenly feel painfully tight. The entire time of him being here has made you unsettled, and now you feel like you need to tell him why.

"Eobard...he hurt me really badly. It happened on my birthday too."

HR looks guilty.

"I had no idea." 

You shake your head.

"It's not your fault. I've been a complete asshole to you, and that's not fair. You're very different from him and I guess that's why it's so unsettling. He pretended to be someone else for years. A part of me just thinks that you're..that this happy go lucky attitude is all an act. When you're around I feel like I can't lower my guard because under all of those smiles you'll.."you stop, and now you feel like crying.

"You'll hurt me and leave me for dead the same way he did. " HR raises his hands.

"I-I would never hurt you I promise!" 

It sounds like he's pleading for you to believe him.

He doesn't approach, even though it's clear he wants to comfort you. Instead, he takes something out of his pocket. It's flat, wrapped in gift paper.

"Here, I know you said you don't celebrate your birthday, but I saw this and I thought you'd like it." 

Stepping closer, you reach for it hesitantly, taking the small gift. Unwrapping the paper, you can't help but smile at the leather. It's a gun holster.

"I noticed you really like guns, so I got a holster so you can have as many as you need. " You can't stop the little giggles that escape your lips, and it makes him smile as well.

"Thank you, really Harrison. "

"Please, just call me HR." He gives a deep bow.

"Thank you HR." you move a bit closer to him, and he stands upright.

"Something wrong? I can get a different color for the holster if you'd like! Is navy blue more your color. Got it!" 

You take his hand to stop his little babbling, and he stops talking completely. He looks stunned that you're actually touching him. You stare at him, and HR appears caught in a similar trance. His eyes have you somewhat captivated. When you feel the little strum of your heart, you release him with.

"T-Thanks again."

"No problem!! Trust me it was no biggy. Well I'll see you!" He turns, almost tripping on his feet.

"See ya!" You just watch as he leaves.

Now your need to get away from him made sense.

A part of you has known from the beginning. 

HR Harrison Wells (Flash)Where stories live. Discover now