Chapter 13

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It's crazy how easily it feels to be with HR. Not much has changed, except now the both of you aren't walking around in circles. You're heading towards the cortex with a cup of coffee in your hand for a certain someone. You smile just thinking about it. As you step in, you can see Cisco quarreling with HR who is putting up decorations.

"HR you really don't have to decorate everytime there is a holiday." Cisco lectures. The bright green littered all over the room has you smiling.

"St. Patrick's Day, we have to celebrate!" HR says from on top of the ladder.

"Just one more."

He stretches to get to a spot, and you see his feet slip. He yells, and you feel your body move almost automatically. You slide under his body catching him. Cisco, Caitlin and Harry stare. You're now wearing your suit, and you place him gently on his feet.

"HR a-are you alright?!!" You inspect him frantically. He nods, clearing his throat.

"I'm sorry, that was very hot." He mutters under his breath. You sigh in relief, cheek a light shade of red.

"I swear you'll give me a heart condition. Please be careful."

The blue suit slowly retracts from your skin, and you place your hands on your hips.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to make this holiday great for you since I messed up your birthday last time. I figured you'd be so impressed and then give me a big reward." He says childishly.

"I may not be as good a kisser as Harry but I'm sure we can-"

"Wait what?"

HR points at Harry.

"Well you've already kissed Harry so I thought I'd have a lot to live up to." Barry walks in at just the right time apparently. He sort of shimmies to Cisco's side.

"What's going on?" He whispers. Cisco is nibbling on a twizzler with a grin.

"This just got good, have one." He holds out the snack for Barry who takes one, listening to the conversation.

"Who told you I kissed Harry?" He points to Harry.

"Harry!!" You scold.

"I apologize, the both of you were acting so terribly awkward. I was trying to help."

"So you didn't kiss Harry?"

"Of course not! I'd never kiss Harry."


They both said, offended.

"S-Sorry I just mean.." Sometimes you forgot they had the same face. They were just so vastly different.

"HR, trust me what Harry and I have is completely platonic. He's like family."

"That's good to know. Phew."

You direct your glare at Harry who makes an excuse, walking away. Now that he's gone, you take notice of the audience you have. Your blank expression says it all. They each go scrambling in different directions. You sigh.

"I'm sorry about that." HR says.

"You don't have to apologize."

You know that despite your reassurance, there is still a part of him that will always be a bit insecure. Especially when he was constantly surrounded by heroes and geniuses. Hell, you were a scientist/bountyhunter/blue lantern.

That was a lot to compete with.

"HR, I promise you don't have to be perfect, and you certainly don't have to overdo it to impress me. Just keep being you. I can't ask for much more than that. " To you, HR was incredible. He gave his all to this team. He literally traveled to another earth. He could have left ages ago. But he stayed to help. He never once returned your previous hostility with resent.

He understood your struggles, accepted you and even helped you through them. If he hadn't kept pushing, you'd probably still walk around assuming the worst of everything and everyone. He made you better. In a way, he's the reason you'd been able to manifest your hope into sheer power. HR blinks when your suit suddenly reappears. Your eyes are most likely glowing again too.

"Is something wrong, a threat?!" He looks around, raising his hands in what you assume is a defensive position.

"N-No nothing's wrong I don't..I don't know why it just popped up like that." HR moves closer, studying the insignia.

"Does it usually just appear like this? Other than when you're all in fight mode I mean."

"Not really. " Your eyes move to the ring that's glowing.

"I was just thinking about you and it.." Your words fall off. You're still trying to work through the kinks of it all.

"You were thinking of me?"

You blink, and then his question registers.

"N-Not in a weird way or anything. Just more of our first meeting you know. How much that has changed. How much the both of us have.."

HR is smiling, and you barely finish the sentence. He takes another step, leaning down. You're silenced by the warmth of his lips. The content sound that leaves you makes him smile. It appears you'd been anticipating this for sometime. Your hand reached up, and you accidentally knocked the hat off his head. HR's hands circle your waist, pulling you flush to him.

He can physically feel the energy that is radiating from your body. It feels strangely nice. He walks you back, and your legs hit a desk. You moan when he reaches down, lifting your hips and placing you on the table. You part for a brief second, and your breathing is labored. This time it feels as though HR is the one whose eyes are shining. They look so beautiful, completely focused on you.

"Was that okay.." It's a tentative whisper.


You can't formulate better words. It was incredible.

"Okay then."

He's grinning again, and you can't help but mirror it as you lean back in. 

HR Harrison Wells (Flash)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon