Chapter 11

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A wild night in town was something you all needed. Stepping into Star Labs the next morning you feel a bit refreshed. HR is the first person you see. He grins.

"Well if it isn't Whitney Houston." You laugh.

"There's a Whitney Houston on your earth?"

"Essentially, she has a different name but that's not important. You have a beautiful voice (Y/N)! You should use it more often."

"I think with all the work we do here I'm pretty busy."

"You're right, you're right. Especially with your new mojo." He does a little wiggle with his eyebrows.

"Actually HR, there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about." You step closer, and he looks eager.

"Yes, anything, hit me."

It's finally just the two of you. You mean to get to the point, tell him exactly how you feel. How you've been feeling for a while now. Your words get stuck, somehow you get distracted by his perfectly kissable lips. They're so pink, and begging to be touched. HR follows your gaze, and he gulps.

"U-Umm did it get hot in here or is it just me?" He pulls at the collar of his shirt with a laugh.

You can't help it. The initial decision was to discuss this, but it's hard when he looks this cute. Taking one step, you're so much closer. HR opens his mouth to say something.

"(Y/N) let's test your powers!" Cisco's excited yell calls from around the corner. HR takes a step back babbling.

"I-I should get on some s-science stuff." 

He rushes off. You frown when Cisco enters. He slows his step when he sees your glare, as well as your suit that has presented itself.

"Uhh, you good?"

"Peachy." You spat.

Something told him this training session would be a bit rough.


HR tries to busy himself in the lab, anything to keep him occupied. His mind keeps running back to what happened.

"Was she trying to kiss me?"

It felt that way, hell it looked that way, but you hadn't. Maybe he was delusional.

"Why are you acting weird?" Harry asks.

"I'm not acting weird, who's acting weird? You're the one being weird."

HR's little rant to Harry accusation is proof enough. HR continues drumming and Harry just goes back to work. He'd long learned to deal with his counter parts' insistent need to hit everything with those sticks.

"Soooo, what did you think about (Y/N)'s performance last night? Great right?"

Harry nods absently, adjusting his glasses to study the board better. He's twirling the marker in his hand.

"Yeah I mean you would know. Since you two are so close and all."

"Yes." Harry is still fixated on his equation, so he doesn't see through HR's slick questioning.

"So how close are we talking?"

"I've kissed her."

HR froze, and Harry turned.

"Is that what this is about. You're trying to see if she's available." Harry's nonchalant attitude sort of puts HR off. HR looks a bit more guarded now. This is quite frankly the first time HR looks irritated.

"What if I told you I have feelings for her, would you stop looking at her like a lovesick puppy." HR is clearly uncomfortable.

"I haven't been-"

"It's stupid to deny it. Anyone can see you care about her. The better question is why you haven't done anything about it? You're afraid you'd lose to me."

"She isn't some prize!"

Harry smirks.

"That sounds like something a loser would say. I bet you're just bored. Did you mess around with her doppleganger on your earth, and came to see if it's the same. "

"I'd never do something like that!" HR is a bit stunned at the way Harry speaks.

"Really, you lied about your capabilities, how can I trust you?"

"I-I care about her!"

"Doesn't seem that way. You're a coward. You couldn't even confront her. It looks to me that you don't even understand how you feel."

"I do!"

"Really, I don't think so."

"You have no idea what it's like being in love with someone who'll never see you the same!!" HR accuses.

"Y-You really think (Y/N) will love someone like me. She's strong, independent, caring and amazing. Even before she got those powers I knew she was special. What greater thing do I have to offer her than half baked ideas and moral support. She deserves better."


He turns, shocked at your presence. You're at the entrance, and HR gaze falters.

"I hadn't intended to push you so far. But I needed to know that your intentions were good. (Y/N) is special to me, she's like family." 

It occurs to him that he'd been played. Because Harry's gaze looks quite similar to the way he looks at all the other members of team flash. Dropping his drumsticks on the desk, he turns, storming off.

"H-HR wait!"

You run off after him, and Harry places down the marker. It's possible that he pushed too far, but he could deal with HR's bruised ego if it was at the expense of never having to see you heartbroken again. 

HR Harrison Wells (Flash)Where stories live. Discover now